Well done for giving the advice. As I pointed out though it's not all correct and I rectified that. We wouldn't want him buying a set of 5 0h injectors now would we?
Maybe you could have mentioned it's all just a general guide and might be wrong
I think saying "any brand injector is fine i"s way too broad and totally wrong. .
Any brand ev14 bosch injector is fine. But they don't fit a 33 rail. The side feed injector options are all pretty poor compared to an ev14 style injector.
I understand that you can't have annual due to knee.
The easiest option is buy whatever car and get a full manual valve body put in the trans. Then use a b and m ratchet shifter. Gearshifts are instant. Will be heaps cheaper than an aftermarket trans controller.
Also, as per his o2 sensor thread, it is currently being tuned with no air temp sensor in place (link ecu with a map)
What do you think of that Lithium?