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Ben C34

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Everything posted by Ben C34

  1. Are you sure that's the problem? How have you concluded the ecu isn't registering the tps is shut and that it's not a vacuum leak? Do you have a consult cable and either nistune or other software to see of the idle flag is being raised? Nevertheless, I would be thoroughly checking for leaks, which is something that should be done any time you mess with anything intake related.
  2. Good luck noticing any lag difference between a ported and stock manifold.
  3. If it failed then it's a problem
  4. Looking at the car would be a start. It could also be your exhaust.
  5. And you can easily remove it and transfer to next car.
  6. Nitrous
  7. I'll do it for a cuddle. Bam. I went straight to johnnilicte ' s next offer.
  8. No way should you be running 105 psi base. That's mental. Like really mental. You have problems. You can't just drop the pressure on the reg and expect the car to run correctly.
  9. Penrite hpr10. Cheap enough and won't make your engine explode. Your engine got this far without expensive oils it doesn't need them now.
  10. Unless you put a mandrel system on and compare it you haven't proved anything. And I don't buy your "only down the middle" theory. Anyway, rather than an Internet argument just take it that I disagree. Like I said it's great it worked so well for you.
  11. If you think it's a leak clean it up and see if it leaks and where from.
  12. Lol. The gas still gets out the stock exhaust doesn't it, Where do you draw the line? Crushing the pipe reduces the flow. That's a fact. Why have manufacturers of new cars stopped using crush bent exhausts? Cos they are shit. If your crush bent exhaust is working for you good on ya.
  13. Have you found the wastegate actuator yet? Judging by the photos it doesn't seem like it. Start there.
  14. All of those questions have been answered plenty of times. People have gone to the trouble of putting together thorough guides. Also, how hard is it to block a gallery? It takes literally less than 10 seconds, just like tapping in a restrictor. Why wouldn't you do that when the head is off? Surely you aren't stuck already. If you are bail out now.
  15. I reckon not being able to put on a boost controller is a waring sign that perhaps you shouldn't actually put one on. Get someone who knows what they are doing (mate or workshop) to do it and set it up.
  16. No. Just start it
  17. Is your manual for the r34? I'm sure I've seen it in there. The grease your mate reccomend ed is for lubricating the shaft in the seal and is good practice.
  18. As per the manual you use three bond or the actual nissan sealant as previously mentioned , sounds like that's your problem.
  19. Engine rebuild and not replacing all hoses is bad form...... Hope its easily fixed and you can start enjoying the car fully soon.
  20. Unless your car was tuned to suit a half dead pump putting a walbro in won't make it run bad or need a tune.. Ideally you will have run a direct feed to the battery, but again, if not there won't necessarily make it run like crap.
  21. Stock fine. The reason for having to re machine the rods due to arp bolts is the extra clamp load affects the way the rod and cap distort under clamping pressure. Rods should be resized when uprating the clamping pressure, machined while clamped together with the bolts you are going to use. It's a tiny difference (it's not like the cap will move heaps) but on a serious build shouldn't be overlooked.
  22. I assume he is talking gtr. They do pull the signal from the plenum side.
  23. Surely you aren't the first to attempt such a job?
  24. Fuel pumps wired to start with ignition is bad. Very bad in a crash. Should be controlled via the ecu.
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