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Ben C34

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Everything posted by Ben C34

  1. ^^Settle down Bro
  2. Master cylinders don't tend to leak when they are stuffed, they bypass the seal. You can try clamping the line and pushing on the pedal and seeing what happens. It shouldn't move of master is good. I hope you tried bleeding it before you pulled the clutch out! It's not like it's easy to whip the clutch out of a gtr!
  3. If I was you i would go e85 and dial in cams for more midrange on the dyno, aiming for same or simmilar top end.
  4. No way could you do it all through the cabin.
  5. The original nissan filter. They are good. Replacing the camshaft seals is very easy whe n you have the timing belt off. They typically leak pretty soon. The inlet one is very easy to pick out, the exhaust one carefully screw a self tapper screw into it to get it out.
  6. What? Are you serious? It is pumped through it. How else would the oil get there? Ball bearing turbos need less flow than bush bearings, but certainly way more than being dripped on.... There's a guideline on how much flow, and I can't remember it, it its not measures in drips!
  7. Stock filter would not be a restriction at all on an na. Did you replace cam shaft and crank seals and water pump during service?
  8. It's pretty special.... There's no in or out for water on a core, but the out should be rotated slightly higher for thermosiphoning to take place as per garrett recommendation.
  9. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=R33+Gts+Stud+Pattern
  10. Email them. Matt responds pretty quick and it will be correct info.
  11. That's your problem. It creates a vacuum leak.
  12. And if that's the case you're alarm is poorly installed
  13. Check fuses. Check plugs. Internet auto electrical is virtually impossible
  14. No worries man. I could be wrong anyway Just for some reason thought I would check it out there . Obviously it's not that hot this time of year!
  15. Pretty sure it's illegal to leave dogs in the car in sa.
  16. The 28 spline diffs I certainly wouldn't call weak. Definitely not the strongest so depending on your application if it is sensible or not. The r31 silhouette has same strength diff a s vl turbo from memory.
  17. In short yes. And replace all bushes. They are old cars and they are flogged out
  18. If you paid for a flex fuel tune you haven't got one by the looks of things. Have a chat to your tuner.
  19. Not specifically but can't see it being a problem. Although the r31 is 4 stud. Perhaps a vf diff would be a better choice. Plenty of places can do the work for you depending on you location. Or if you can weld you can do it. Rod tech in sa for example.
  20. R31 has a live axle so is far more of a possibility for a conversion. Granted it's a Skyline, it's just that everyone tends to think r32 33 34, all having irs which would be totally mental to swap. Any live axle diff can be swapped anywhere. Chop off mounts, shorten if required, weld on new mounts, new tail shaft. Off you go.
  21. Well the tune is scaled non linearly between 98 and e85 timing wise. There's a chance that the tune is off in between, as you probably still have some ethanol in there now. I would imagine straight 98 would still be the same as it was before, they wouldn't have had to change it.
  22. Was the tune for 98 ever any good?
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