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Ben C34

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Everything posted by Ben C34

  1. I'm sure I've read how to fix it. Have you searched? You will get a quick answer by searching . You aren't the first to put the plenum on.
  2. Your a funny guy, removing the intercooler pipework and refitting it without then pressure testing it. When you find a boost leak be sure to report back.
  3. Nistune. Very soon to have full flex fuel for r34 ecu.
  4. Lol. Upgrading rear brakes and leaving the fronts is RETARDED. You don't need to try it and see.
  5. Hex headed fastener spinner of your choice, that fits and works. Better?
  6. 10mm. But doing it via a hand controller is way more fast and the furious. You are so old school
  7. But you are a genius!
  8. Asking to be spoon fed is frustrating. You wouldn't just walk up to to a bunch of guys at a race track and expect them to tell you everything that needs to be done to your car. But for some reason it's ok on a forum. They might however answer a well thought out question. Doing a a decent amount of research then asking for clarification is normal. People will take you more seriously. But luckily for you there will always be someone on here who will get the spoon out.
  9. How many people does the power fc hand controller actually help? Everyone i see it just confuses them and the mess stuff up with it!
  10. Not necessarily like this but simmilar http://cdn.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/uploads/post-29905-1166490974.jpg
  11. Modify your current dump . It is a good base to start with. Cut off the existing 3 bolt flange flange and gate pipe, extend 3 bolt inch bit down to just past underneath the car, put a flange there, that gives gives you plenty of space to extend the gate pipe longer and make the merge much nicer. It is the way it is currently because it fits in place of the factory dump pipe.
  12. Check out the exhaust and and cat before you jump in to changing the dump. I don't think it would be that bad.
  13. Seriously dude are you on a mission to create as many threads as possible? Everyone else else has figured all of this shit out without starting a thread on every individual topic. Maybe start a new thread (which you love to do ) titled "heaps of rambling questions. Pls spoon feed me " and do it all there.
  14. Boost leak.
  15. With the afr's going so lean I would be looking at the plenum area for a vacuum leak.
  16. Yes. And Nistune is in South Australia.
  17. That does look sweet!
  18. No. You can't use gtr rotors and your current calipers. Just get new stock rear rotors. Typically it's not worth upgrading rear brakes, and it is totally crazy to only upgrade the rear discs.
  19. Your rich lol
  20. You don't need to buy a clamp like what's on there, a normal hose clamp is perfectly fine. Can you take a photo of the turbo from the back, and try to get a couple of the manifold. And bigger injectors on a stock ecu is never going to work properly, unless you spend the money on a nistune.
  21. Also on the throttle body the silicon joiner only has one clamp on it. There should be 2. No way will it work like that once there's some boost in there.
  22. Having the bov blocked is better than having it venting to atmosphere, but still not as good as having it plumbed back correctly. It can cause issues of running very rich when changing gears, and will actually be louder with it blocked (and make you sound like a wanker, trust me) The bolt blocking the blue hose on the front of the engine is poor, you can get little caps to do it properly. The breather system really needs to be sorted, but to do that properly means a new inlet pipe. So its either keep the turbo on that manifold and get a new inlet made, and potentially have the manifold cracking, or get a stock manifold and pipework, fixing bov and breather and cracking manifold in one go.
  23. That sucks about the car. Hope everyone is ok.
  24. As a quick fix blocking off the bov would be helpful. Well need to be sorted properly though. I'm busy at the moment, will look harder soon.v9deo will help
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