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Ben C34

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Everything posted by Ben C34

  1. Doesn't the pivot ball break and cause these symptoms? Either way it's box off and get in there.
  2. Either way sounds like you are excited for tax time John, fisting or injectors
  3. As per title. Preferably cheap as I will probably be putting it on my shelf for a while! Ben
  4. Cleaned and flow tested by who and why? Do you have the receipt and results of the testing?
  5. It is even possible to only put coil overs on the passenger side (or drivers if your a mad man) Is it sensible?
  6. Had to check. The amount of times its something simple is crazy!
  7. GTSBoy has nailed the answer. I have been meaning to ask matt if he can make the 2 tables into one, or at least a check box to tick so both get changed. And perhaps rename it. As GTSBoy said, it's actually the point vct switches off. They are normally the same value, and when I adjust I adjust both . I'm not sure what happens when they are different like that, it might affect it turning back on somehow...
  8. Nek minute still not behaving. Tuner stuffs around with more of his time your money. Eventually puts pressure gauge on. Eventually checks / re does pump wiring. He is richer. You are poorer.
  9. When you say loosened the handbrake did you also release it from in the car? Like before you drive the car?
  10. How have you established no air leaks?
  11. Exhaust on its own is fine. It will benefit from nistune but not required.
  12. Take it to a mechanic. If you can't diagnose your own problem you can't fix it ... I'll go with head gasket and ring lands for wild guess based on no real info .
  13. Sounds like it is not wired up correctly. There should be no buzzing sound in the auto. So you put in an rb20e ?
  14. It's not a big deal. Op is going back for a touch up tune so can ask for a reprint with whatever correction standard applied. It's stored as part of the file so can be changed later. That way you can pick the one that gives the highest power.......
  15. Nice one dude. I will stay tuned! I'm also a fan of car parts in bedrooms!
  16. The benefit of a map sensor. Leak on. But not at the injector. That's just silly.
  17. Increased volume and therefore lower gas speed will increase lag
  18. I would be extremely surprised if you could notice the difference of say 9.1 to 9.3 in an engine in terms of responsiveness. Op, are you building this yourself or paying someone? If paying find someone good and trust them. If building it yourself you can make it as simple or difficult as you like. People spend their whole life developing engines and still have things they want to try or learn. The basics are basic. Once you delve deeper it is never ending.
  19. Mv can't help with the convertor. They slip. That's what happens. There is a lockup clutch in there. It Is nicer on the clutch to start a pull when it is fully locked , eg at 2800 rpm and light throttle then apply full throttle just be for run starts. Autos are a bit of a pain on the dyno... Mv don't make convertors anyway, they get them done else where. It would have been interesting to change the vct switch point, as the power really picks up at 5500 which is where vct turns off. I noticed on the nistune site you posted your tune, can't you look at it and and see what he did with vct? It looks like if the vct was switched off earlier the curve would be nicer. I don't think each each setup responds the same with vct switch point coupled with manifold and cam differences. For example I run type B's in my 2530 and they liked the switch point later, perhaps due to the extra air flow of the 30 or restriction of the stock manifold.
  20. Right, that makes heaps more sense! I was thinking that it was related directly to the bolts....
  21. What will wear out on the cam gear? The bolts? First I have heard of that concern. Certainly more bolts would be better but it's hardly worth worrying about.
  22. The peak at 4000 is likely caused by convertor slip. Did you tell him to not rev it higher? Did he play with the vct switch point or dial the cams at all?
  23. One step down? So if it happens to be for arguments sake 10.0 :1 is the highest (which it's not, there's no magic highest number, there are many different reasons for this) you will go 9.9 :1 ? Isn't that 1% less? What would that achieve?
  24. I appreciate the time you have taken to help, and I'm sure that some people will find it helpful. The images displayed on this site are the low resolution versions and I agree they look good, there are however higher resolution images available. (Just being stored on an apple only cloud server) Seeing as I am going to go to the trouble of printing them out at work (which is actually no trouble really) I figured that I might as well print print the high res versions.
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