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Ben C34

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Everything posted by Ben C34

  1. School holidays?
  2. So car hammers when cold? And you hammer it when cold? That's dumb. Why write any advice would be great after receiving heaps of advice? Should we take that as you are rejecting advice given up untill that point? And to clarify. I suggested the three things as they are all likely causes causes of your car running like it does. You are welcome to ignore them but I would suggest pressure testing your inlet.
  3. Boost leak. Shit tune. Dirty maf. Any particular order.
  4. True in theory. Do you have any examples of that occurring?
  5. No heat shield over turbo? And I would try to hide the boost controller solenoid.
  6. Are you sure you got the feed and return around the right way? And I assume you mean the car cranks but doesn't want to run. The engine turns over when when the starter spins it?
  7. I would pressure test the inlet then you will know for sure. Actually I would pull it apart and see what's going on. Looks dodgy but there might be another seal at the bottom.
  8. Glad it's sorted and cheers for the update. Such a shame a poxy bov can cause so many issues!
  9. Low comp test could be due to incorrect cam timing. Have you done a leak down test?
  10. Have you narrowed it to a cylinder by unplugging injectors or looking at spark plugs? If it's a random occurrence I would be checking cam timing. You will have to adjust the dwell to get the most out of those coils. On stock dwell mine missed over approx 14psi with ls coils. Won't cause amiss otherwise though.
  11. Spinning against no resistance means it would have spun heaps fast. All of the exhaust would have gone through the turbine as the wastegate wouldn't have opened. I suspect it caused the damage. I wouldn't have done it. I hope it's not too bad.
  12. For sure! I would have just cruised around with bass pumping.
  13. What? How is it running na? Where is the afm? The radiator cap off rev situation seems normal. Did you have the turbo just free spinning? That would probably have over sped it.
  14. Easiest way to fix would be get a new amp.
  15. Why anyone would get a new turbo inspected is beyond me. That makes no sense. Why people would defend jet2nv sort of makes sense. But why he had the other accounts makes no sense. Something suss going on.
  16. Ok I reread your first post. It went great when you got it. So that means something you did made it run shit. It could be the coil pack loom as they get old and brittle and don't like to be jiggle. What boost are you running?
  17. He also checked everything and still doesn't work. .... Something isn't being checked correctly.
  18. Was told it doesn't matter but your experience and GTRPSI says it does matter.
  19. Without any argument jet2nv has sold numerous items with no problem. The problem Is obviously the allegations people have made. These are hard to prove on here, however I can't see q45 some extra would make it up. The issues with the timeline for 1400r turbo is odd. What is very concerning, and I would even say incriminating, is the claim that he has had other accounts and some of which have been banned. Why anyone would see the need to have another account (that isn't an obvious troll account) is really suss. And of course Jayson has mates. If you are going to post in this thread just because he is a mate, not only does that not really help, but please do the right thing and say you are his mate. Better yet , ask him about the other accounts.
  20. As per title. Must be in good condition. Don't need cams or covers. PM or post here. Prefer local but will look interstate if needed. Cheers Ben
  21. Someone who travels Australia or do you have a particular location in mind?
  22. The vct plug is pretty much above the top radiator hose pointing towards the engine. Looks similar to an injector plug.
  23. Did you pressure test when looking for the leaks? If you didn't you need to. Did the car ever run right? Does it need to be tuned?
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