Looks like a nice car.
Typically head gaskets don't pop for no reason. Might pay pay to have someone take a quick look or dyno or go for a spin to see if it was pinging.
The thing is that's an engine out job. Which is a fair bit of work just to do the pump.
There's the whole cost : benefit : risk analysis to to be done.
Sort of. The sensor is part of the body so you would have to do some hacking. It would also make thing difficult as there won't be a pre existing table for voltage vs airflow.
All afm's have the same output of 0 to 5V it's just that most max of to 5V at a lower air flow.
(Not really true as some use a pulse signal but not nissan so who cares! )
Hpx make custom airflow meters that read alot of air. Matt at nistune amongst all his other work is looking at creating the neccessary tables to use them.
Its not that the afm actually restricts airflow to create the power limit, it's due to the sensor being unable to read any more air flow.
The sensor outputs 5V (max) and then the ecu and tuner have to guess. Which isn't ideal.
Just to elaborate on my previous comment.
Nistune will log all ecu parameters.
In order to log more you need something else. I use a zeitronix zt2 which does wideband O2 and a heap of other inputs and Nistune picks it all up. I only use one for boost as I don't need to or care about logging others.
Look at blah blahs' s result. I think that was nudging 400rwkw not sure on the afm he used.
Also this is obviously a scam.
Unfortunately this forum isn't full of teenage girls so your chances of an actual bite are low. Even lower than the bite you would get from the fictional puppies
Why you no have picture of puppy's?
Are they too small?
Mum and dad are registered with who? The council?
Do the pups drink coke?
Will you post? Express bag should be big enough.
Is a micro teacup like a shot glass but of tea?
I has many questions.
Please spam us with tiny puppy pics.
The cooler line isn't under pressure. So you can't tap in there.
Who built the trans? Why don't they know? There's no way you would be running stock pressure anyway.
Replace it.
Check for leaks in pipework.
There are heaps of reasons why it could run bad. All are a guess based on the little information you have given.
Go ask your mate to fix it.