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Ben C34

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Everything posted by Ben C34

  1. I just wanted to say you are cool. I like the way you said you drift on the street but didn't really say it. Very clever. Lrn2google K bai
  2. There's a big difference between tuning a car making 200rwkw and 400rwkw I would expect the tuner if they want to maintain a professional image would approach things differently. And keep in mind the tuner isn't actually wasting their time. They get paid for their time.
  3. Wow. Fair enough you don't know but how hard would it be to find out? Disconnect and beep horn and see what happens? The car won't explode. Don't have to resort to the Internet as first point to solving a problem! Or alternatively if you really want to Google something, search for what a horn looks like.
  4. And on the first page of of this section there's a thread called vct external feed . 2nd last page pics of neo head modded. Found them by just looking x) And threads on neo 2530 builds. Use Google to search. Add Site:/skylinesAustralia.com To find results from this forum, as the forum search engine sucks.
  5. Ok. I will help. The De and det neo heads are heaps different. Port size and cams. I wouldn't use the De head.
  6. Alllllll of this is info you can search and find. Combustion chamber volumes, Camshafts Port sizes Modifying neo head for external vct. Differences with wiring and cas between neo and non neo Etc Have you even tried? Don't get me wrong, I am happy to help but you need to show you tried! There are recent threads with photos of neo head vct mods.
  7. WTF. You said earlier comp was all 160??
  8. He means the stock rb30 pistons have the valve reliefs to suit the 25 head. As they all do. Which you can tell by looking at the pistons there are 4 reliefs. Due to the layout of the rb30 head. Good luck with the build.
  9. Yes. HICAS is shit.
  10. Get a wheel alignment. Spend money on sorting out camber due to being lowered.
  11. This https://www.facebook.com/topcatracing?ref=stream&hc_location=timeline Looks pretty nuts Lrn2google Lithium
  12. Ok. Just realised you also have thread about high knock on the power fc. Ring lands.
  13. Op has a thread about how his engine blows heaps of smoke. I would say it was knocking!
  14. Most? Have you ever pressure tested for leaks? I think you will be surprised and find even more. It will cost you pretty much nothing and should be done anyway.
  15. New Zealanders are dodgy and paranoid.
  16. Isn't that the 12 volt feed to the coil? In which case it doesn't go to the ecu. It is 12 volts through a relay that turns on when ignition is on. Check that though. But I'm 98.5% sure.
  17. If you can save a grand a week buy a house. I wish I did earlier. Or buy a better car! It will be cheaper in the long run. Not trying to rain on your parade, it's advice I wish I had when young.
  18. Im Guessing it's not valve stem seals. It's oil in the inlet manifold or intercooler caused by the overfill. Investigate that further before you blow your money.
  19. Won't need a retune. It is possible to replace the seals woth b the head on. Which will seriously reduce the costs. As for how much no idea. I would do it myself. Obviously thing to do is ring a mechanic. Edit.. Beaten With way more info!
  20. Nom Nom Nom. ..
  21. Do you want local parts or happy to wait to save hundreds? As for mods when it's apart, unless you let us know what the car is used for that isn't possible to answer.
  22. Boost leak likely. Pressure test for leaks. Google how to.
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