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Ben C34

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Everything posted by Ben C34

  1. No. Not that i have tried. But seems very unlikely. Have a go and let us know.
  2. Oh. So it already had the sump off? And it's not a drain. It's a breather. Have a look at the oil control thread.
  3. No way would that fit. Pull the sump off and shim the stock oil pressure relief valve.
  4. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/181826-how-to-greddy-style-plenum-install/ Pics don't work but should help. What's your setup? I ask because I haven't seen a mild setup benefit from this plenum. In that thread one guy made 4 kw more at the expense of losing midrange. Personally I would look at the heap of cars making 300 plus rwkw with stock inlet and save the hassle of fitting the plenum.
  5. Skimming the head and block would retard the cam timing, but only very slightly. Regarding the exhaust cam will mean you will pull even less vacuum. I would consider advancing both cams and seeing what happens. Is vct functioning correctly?
  6. Isn't adaptronic used and sold by Stao from Hypergear?
  7. Has to be not bled properly or at all.
  8. Vl turbo had no oil cooler. I'm sure there's heaps of factory cars that don't have them.
  9. All of which I would have thought was obvious!
  10. Who is knocking you? They are pointing out potential issues to help you out. Oh, Start your own build thread rather than dragging this one way off topic People will be happy to help and answer all your questions in there. This thread can then get back to the original topic of making an rb26 responsive.
  11. Is your car a 1000kw drag car?
  12. You want to run the biggest gap you can without it misfiring.
  13. Oh. Sorry. I misread your post. Heat range 6 will be fine. If your running rich you would like foul 7s.
  14. Did it more or less power than before?
  15. I use 7s. They are a heat range cooler. If your tune is good you won't foul them. If If your car runs rich they might foul.
  16. I guarantee if you start your own thread you will get all the help you need. It's a shame to drag threads off topic. Even though it pretty much always happens.
  17. So I win!
  18. Actually who cares? Another random guess. Front windscreen demister. Like what's on rear windscreens . Some had small elements at the bottom.
  19. Washer fluid heater?
  20. Tax will cost more in Japan? Scotty, you can't recieve PM s.
  21. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=power+fc+faq
  22. I have bought a boost controller from him before. It arrived no worries Didn't rip me off for 350. Why would he rip you off for 90?
  23. How does it make It easier? What does the base do?
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