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Ben C34

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Everything posted by Ben C34

  1. Yep. Crazy hey!
  2. What ecu?
  3. Pretty sure you will find that would actually have far less of an effect on the fuel ratio.Edit. Actually I'm not sure the ecu even uses it.
  4. Stop being a pedantic carnt ARTZ. See. It is a word
  5. From memory that seems fine. I can't find it at the moment but reasonably sure the factory service manual says 1.5 at Idle. Edit. Beaten to it!
  6. Not for me either. I am a legend at dodging punctures, in particular those spike strips the cops use. Punctures. Not even once.
  7. Huh. On the second last page of the rb20 dyno thread there's a result from each of the turbos you mentioned. Both falling a fair way short on your power goal. Surely that is helpful. I suppose I could have linked the specific posts but can't while posting on my phone. The forum search engine sucks, as do pretty much all of them. To search a specific site (tgis one for example) use Google and add Site:/skylinesAustralia.com to the end of your search terms. Eg Rb20 td06 site:/skylinesAustralia.com
  8. No. Depends on where it has blown and how bad. It could be that the cooling system wasn't bled correctly. How much power did you lose/gain from fitting the plenum?
  9. Did anyone read the thread I linked to at the top of the page? A guy put type b cams in his 26 and ended up with 100 psi comp , put stock cams back in went to 150.
  10. And by the way these forums are very helpful, even when people don't spoon feed you. The fact that tonnes of people share what they have learnt and their results and that that is able to be searched by anyone is priceless. Back in the day you wouldn't just walk up to a guy at the track and expect him to tell you exactly how to make your car fast like theirs, then blast them off they only five you a little advice, they would have laughed at you. But now is just expected people will take their time to help complete randoms. Welcome and good luck with your goals. In the future could you take a little time to make your posts easier to read? A little formatting goes a long way. Ben
  11. Ok. Where's my thanks. Nevermind . I am so surprised that with all the info available easily to you you still need the spoon feeding. Good luck digesting the info thrown at you Be sure to update us with your achievements at the end of it.
  12. Yep
  13. Second last page is a result with that turbo.
  14. Spoon feeding required.
  15. Wat about 12 X 18. That is twice the awesome of 6 X 9
  16. Certainly the non turbo ecu would be a main part of the problem. The non turbo injectors would surely be smaller meaning that more fuel gets injected. That probably wouldn't turn on the engine light though, so there's likely another issue. Did it run nice when you bought the car? Or just happen afterwards?
  17. Neither http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/268134-r33-gtst-active-lsd-information/
  18. Not to completely disagree, but just chuck some more Info in the mix. The larger bore will reduce the amount of force a ring will exert on the bore (by a tiny bit) Which will make the ring gap bigger, but in the scheme of things a larger ring gap gap by itself really has a negligible impact on the engine http://www.diagnosticengineers.org/journal_%20articles/Ring%20Gaps%20vs%20Knowledge%20Gaps.php
  19. Yes same sender. Got confused. Sorry to freak you out!
  20. Yep. Could be due to low on fuel. Or tune issue. Or failing fuel pump. Or dodgy old knock sensors playing up. Etc The obvious and easiest thing would be add fuel fuel and see what happens. Of it does it again go go back to tuner and put on dyno to check check for knock to rule it out.
  21. The factory gauges are notoriously bad. The fact your light come son in concerning as it's separate to the the gauge. What grade oil are you running? I would get something thicker in there asap and start planning pulling the engine out.
  22. Looking for another shell would be your only option other than stripping it. Reading between the lines I assume you lost your licence as a result of this? Glad you and everyone around you is ok.
  23. Did that help?
  24. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=23710+17u11
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