Check for boost leaks.
Search how to pressure test.
What ecu?
It isn't likely to be caused by moving the cas, but you have to set the timing with a timing light.
And after rereading your post, you disturbed the loom and it got worse, so that seems to point to the loom.
Is 5 heat range stock? That's a pretty hot plug. I use 7 heat range, most guys say go with 6 or 7. Not 5.
Could be the loom.
Could also be a lot of other things....
What boost are you running?
Ever had injectors cleaned or replaced?
Fuel pump and filter?
Boost leaks?
I assume your head would be totally rooted and possibly piston ring lands broken which won't necessarily be visible until you pull them out.
The fact you just asked if the cam gears can be salvaged means you should just get another cheap engine and throw it in. Don't bother pulling things apart and confusing yourself.
What? It can't run out of tables, they are able to be scaled.
What about blah blahs result of high 300kw with nistune.
I understand nistune on a 33 is a poor result as it isn't the factory ecu, but there are plenty of high power r34 examples.
I have a ghetto method of parking out the front of my house with left side wheels on top of the gutter. Car sits flat and I can squeeze under.
Although I do have 4 stands, this is quicker.
Seeing as aesthetics are your only reason, I would suggest that you file off the current lettering, saving your money and then buying a turbo car with brake calipers that say something pleasing on them later on.