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Ben C34

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Everything posted by Ben C34

  1. Or not. The turbosmart eboost 2 recommends the set point (same as set gain on ptofec) yo be 5 psi less than setting. But try it and see to be sure.
  2. Until there is an impartial better test I would say it's still unconfirmed which is better. But who can be f**ked and who really cares that much!
  3. Scotty previously mentioned he won't weld to the manifold. In this thread.. 5 posts up
  4. I believe it is still a problem. You can't put an older engine into a new car. But don't believe me, ask vicroads for yourself.
  5. And yes you should flush your radiator, do you really need to be told that?
  6. Why are you so keen for gate on manifold but not onto turbo? They are the same material so your initial concern of cracking still exists? Don't be shy to hack up your exhaust housing! Personally I would go on the housing because it's easier to remove.
  7. That's some strange advice.....
  8. Was that comp test from today?
  9. Spark plugs dont crack for no reason. What is your tune like? I will guess and say something has gone wrong and engine has died. The plugs cracking is an indication of Way too much heat (lean) so engine has pinged to death. Do a comp test if you like. But the knock means it's dead anyway.
  10. Seriously? You have an exhaust leak. The Internet can't fix it. Figure out where it is coming from, manifold or exhaust , then go to exhaust shop and exchange money for fixing leaky exhaust or mechanic and exchange money for fixing leaky gasket. (Notice I didn't suggest do it yourself. The clue is you have made this thread, which someone capable of fixing it themselves wouldn't have done )
  11. What are you trying to do that you can't figure out? Or do you just want people to spend heaps of time making tutorials on stuff that isn't required just on the off chance it might help you in the future?
  12. The confusion is nistune is not a piggy back.
  13. When has that ever happened? I suppose if you get a retard to weld it that might happen.
  14. All right I will add more random but plausible problems. Fuel pump. Fuel filter. Collapsed cat Boost leak.
  15. He said its not a miss fire, feels like a pressure loss??
  16. I'm not really keen to have chunks of shit go through my turbo, as has been reported with hybrid manifolds. What do you have against gate on housing?
  17. So I would use Dex3 no worries. If it means the 4wd might not work as good when cold who cares,you shouldn't thrash when cold anyway, and Importsonly is driving an NA so its not like it puts hardly any power through to the front ever.
  18. If you search you will find threads on exactly what you are asking. Also on putting gates on the turbo housing or stock manifold.
  19. Typically you would address a warning light and then see if that fixes the problem. As skylines don't have diesels in them you will struggle to get help here.
  20. Hah hahaha. You're a bouncer, why is that info relevant? Calm down man, we are not trying to fight you.
  21. It was a genuine question, he was hardly having a go at you! And scotty gave you advice that will help. Hopefully everyone let's previously being into excels slide
  22. You are coming on here expecting people to take time out of their day to help you, but you don't have the sense or decency to properly explain your car or problem. Good luck with it.
  23. No. No one has ever had your car misfire.
  24. And forged pistons on a 33 don't make the cylinder head better than the neo.
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