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Ben C34

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Everything posted by Ben C34

  1. Another addition, as the front suspension is different, the info for s2 brake conversions doesnt apply to rs. The mounting holes are 12mm, so the same options are a direct fit as for an s1, eg r33 brakes. I wanted to use 34gtt brakes, and made new inserts for the callipers with an m12x1.25 threads rather than drilling out the knuckles as some guys have done. If anyone wants a photo or info let me know, but if you look at the callipers its pretty obvious
  2. no I didn't watch it, I have actually seen that one a will go, man that dude is annoying!Pressure tesy is heqps better tho7gh as sone leaks dont occur untill pressure is in the pipes.
  3. As Gtsboy eluded to, check the oil filter gasket first, and make sure filter is tight enough before you go buying stuff.
  4. ive been rackingy brain trying to remember the name of it. only saw it less than a month ago......
  5. You can get a box that modifies the shift points based on throttle position, Can't remember the name of it, but it basically intercepts the tps signal going to the trans, that would fix your issue.
  6. there's a thread in the stagea section error the answer.
  7. search how to pressure test. Most people have a compressor, I don't know anyone that has a smoke machine.
  8. You put wire where? Your meant to put a lead between the coil and the plug, which leaves the coil flapping so its obviously temporary.
  9. Did you pressure test the intercooler pipes? looking at clamps and couplings doesn't tell you if they leak under pressure, they have to be under pressure to know for sure.
  10. You running above 8psi with no intercooler? on 98? Surely it would be pinging like mad.
  11. Best options? To achieve what? And yeah, don't be suprised when this gets locked. ....
  12. In my experience the ecu fault codes are very likely to not be helpful, as you have discovered! The inlet and exhaust wheel would have the exact same movement as they are on the same shaft, if they move differently to each other you have a huge problem! To measure play you need a dial indicator, or at a stretch some vernier calipers, the finger isn't that accurate! Ring a turbo place to confirm allowable movement, can't remember at the moment, but it's not much.
  13. Well it's not just slightly different stroke, there is a fair capacity increase. By your logic of an engine just explodes fuel and air and thats all that matters, comp ratio , cam shafts, porting etc all don't matter either. There are many factors that determine an engines pwr delivery characteristics and people's goals vary. I know I want more torque, along with decent power. An example would be hypergears latest turbo making 490kw, but with a close to verticql line at 450orpm. That engine might be fun to drive for a bit, but would very quickly become annoying. More capacity and different cams would turn it into an absolute beast. The op said budget want an issue, which translates into fitment issues aren't a problem. He should just buy a rips engine and be done with it!
  14. Seems like a stupid option though, it should default to road speed as at least that can be related to easily.
  15. put old shifter back in. Check for random noise. Then blame or forgive sort shifter.
  16. You will get a faster answer if you use Google. eg Google varex muffler = instant answer.
  17. Wasn't accusing you of being cheap! Seeing as you already have the pistons I would look into using them. I am pretty sure its a matter of decking the block to use them. I think you will find you will be able to achieve a decent comp (at least 9:1] by using them. Obviously most people just get the proper pistons so I don't think you will find much info, Best bet would be take the measurements yourself to be sure.
  18. Pretty sure the pin height is heaps different between 30 and 25 pistons, can't remember which way but is a big issue. Actually I think if you deck heaps off the block it is workable, but as you mentioned undecked, it would be a massive fail is not like the 25 pistons are much cheaper so not worth it, get the correct pistons and boost on. (at least 9:1 comp)
  19. Best bet email nistune. I would say yes it will work. But it's your money and time
  20. Pretty sure that's an rx7 intercooler mate.
  21. Leave it off. Don't pour heaps of water on top of engine, problem solved. And it would probably turn up, it's not a small item to lose!
  22. What made you change the fuel lines anyway? In your first post you said you are using a 255 pump, that doesn't warrant touching the lines.
  23. Dude, you should never replace a blown fuse with a higher current one, they blow for a reason. fix the reason. Running that 30a fuse means you could have melted wires.
  24. I don't know of I'm missing something, but I have absolutely no idea what you are getting at with the black box theory ??
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