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Ben C34

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Everything posted by Ben C34

  1. What he is getting at (I think) is you need to think of clamping force and torque differently. a finer pitch thread will produce more clamp force at tge same torque setting as a coarser thread. just like if you dont lube up the bolt, it will lose alot to friction and produce far less clamping force.
  2. everything's more expensive in Australia, except rb30s!
  3. Japanese at high school finally paid off!
  4. It says "engine controller" whatever that means!
  5. it's not just to crush the gasket the multi stage. It is to also seat the head of the bolt onto the surface below it, in order to get a more accurate torque reading. Can't remember the exact link, but it was from an unbrako catalogue (they make high tensile bolts)
  6. even if that is the case who cares. injector dynamics have an excellent reputation.
  7. search. is heaps easy to search
  8. Having just done up a head I noticed the huge difference in torque vs angle. I used my angle gauge with my torque wrench and the torque wrench went off around 30 degrees sooner than angle required. angle is far more accurate than torque.
  9. take a photo of the jap name of the fuse. peeps on here could translate it
  10. of course. Was a bit early in the morning for me!Such a shame to see the damage man. All the best.
  11. Look at thread "neo head or not"
  12. I thought shimmng it increased pressure as it increases preload ob the the relief valve.
  13. Yes there is a difference. cas. vct solenoid. off the top of my head.
  14. Have you seen how fast dudes go on stock bottom ends? How fast are you planning on going?
  15. have you read the oil control thread? I wouldn't be relying on the drain.
  16. Yeah sorry about that, I thought he put a rb25 neo head on. miss read the post
  17. don't be so negative. In doing my best to turn it into hektic flutterz thread.....
  18. Your compression ratio would be a fair bit higher now. http://www.webbersrbguide.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=90:rb30dettt-compression-ratio-a-piston-selection&catid=50:rb30dettt&Itemid=29
  19. Sorry should have added to previous post that a bov can bend your turbo when it sucks in air, so not worth the risk using one when you make more power.
  20. no bov. flutterz !!!
  21. They are definitely directional.
  22. What gasket did you use? What did you torque the bolts up to?
  23. on commodores it is mounted onto the fuel tank, so doesn't need to be close to the rail.
  24. so you are going to inspect it multiple times and then offer half what he is asking? I doubt he will accept it.
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