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Ben C34

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Everything posted by Ben C34

  1. That's not right. like you said should be idle and cruise at stoichiometric
  2. If you can't afford to buy a f**ked out car, you can't afford to fix it!
  3. Obviously they should be sealed from each other, but I dont understand how one cylinder would decide to rob one next to it? Which cylinder would Rob the most?
  4. Wow. glad you found it!
  5. losing power is the price to pay for the sick sound
  6. I have a hooker aero chamber with a berklee straight through. heaps quiet and no drone.
  7. Then swap fuel pump, cas, coil loom, c as loom, vct solenoid, ecu etc
  8. You are still being way too vague. When you say accelerate do you mean flat out, or gently accelerating? happens cold or warm?
  9. or if he goes back to the same tuner killing his engine
  10. as much as possible. What revs it happens at? Any mods? service history? etc.
  11. Need heaps more info to give you any idea.
  12. mine is fine. in sa they test it at 3000. my car is heaps quiet.
  13. that looks promising. I wonder if you used a different actuator so that naturally the valve is open and the engine vacuum closes it. That way it is more dependant on throttle position. Don't know what actuator to use though, had to be opposite of a wastage setup. my exhaust has a hooker aeroflow and a berkly straight through and is 87db at 3000rpm so it is legal and makes 284rwkw, so really you could save your cash by not using a varex
  14. just take a photo square on.
  15. man that photo is on a crazy angle!
  16. intermittent electrical problems are the easiest to fix, especially by others online.
  17. what does that mean? The reg creates pressure in the system before it, all the way back to the pump.
  18. abort. sell car.
  19. Get ready for another what oil is best style thread. ..
  20. didn't even notice that!
  21. yes?
  22. bigger bore means it needs more fluid as 89cal said. That would make the pedal travel further to get the mechanical advantage.
  23. damn. .. Well done with the sale, I shouldn't have snoozed on it!
  24. top mount ftw!
  25. Not that I have put a gauge on my car, but I have the same pump and haven't had any running issues you would expect with high fuel pressure. I'm running stock reg.
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