Yep, I'm convinced. Obviously its a combination of a few things that make the neo head far superior, so going away from that head would be retarded!
Looking at piston choices, and comparing chamber volume of a RB30e/t to NEO it seems if I gett the RB30ET pistons with a 4.5cc dish i will end up slighlty higer than the claimed 8.5:1 , which would be spot on.
and from webbers guide
As listed in a previous section The head combustion CC's are as follow:
RB30E/T 55CC
R32 RB25DE 62CC
R33 RB25DE/T 63-64CC
R34 RB25DE/T 50-53CC R32/R33/R34 Rb26DETT 64CC
Deck height to be machined to set compression ratio.
So my question is, have people used them? I have searched like mad and havent found concrete evidence of success, just some people that were planning on using them.
My concern is piston to valve clearance.
Any thoughts are appreciated.