camma on another forum:
OK, the ACT AFP have been informed and I have recieved a response.
An extract from the response....
"AFP - ACT Policing have no objections to the Charity Drive taking place on the 13th February 2005.
This is on the proviso that all conditions set by ACT Urban Services or
any other ACT Government Body are adhered to, any conditions set by any Federal Government Agency are to be adhered to."
and further...
"The responsibility for the running of the event rests with the event organisers, not the Australian Federal Police. It is the event organisers' responsibility to ensure that all officials involved in the event, along with those participating, spectating and the general public, are able to perform their business in a safe manner."
With that in mind I would like to advise that everyone who attends should drive in a safe manner, i.e. doesnt be a dickhead! I am now finding out what approval needs to be provided to become an "official event organiser".
And yep ALL funds raised will be going to the Red Cross.