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Everything posted by GTS_DUY

  1. i've only just read this now and my body is felling tingly and weird. my condolences to the family of those who were lost.
  2. skitz engine, te37s, looks the whole sheband. i'm a fan i have a picture of a midnight purple R334 conversion with gold rims on my comp which also looks the goods
  3. spotted skygtrline last night, zorst sounded good man, not tinny spotted him again today on athlon drive about...45mins ago, wave, but dont think u saw me spotted a minute after that...white mitsubishi GTO, almost wet myself
  4. yeh anna was cute, summer is....naughty-like *wink wink* and if you are that desperate (for which i was with those missed episodes ) the official OC webbie has LONG summaries of all these episodes of the OC so far (up to date with america)
  5. yeh rather pissed off, missed two weeks of OC now cos of work sheduling, and it's been on tues and weds :S but i do get to watch it tonight...marisa is sooo hot.
  6. tell me about it ewen, i'm at home procrastinating from study watching oprah :Oops:
  7. Kit from Knight Rider and i must say eleanore was the hottest car from a movie.
  8. nice collection! but i'd seriously be hesistant about posting up a listing like that, cos there's a possible chance that they are not all from original CDs which you own, or maybe i read the posts wrong ewen and as we all know, cops do frequent these forums, and would love to advise their copyright mates on something like this impressive nonetheless!
  9. spotted terminal i think it was entering ANU today at about 11 or so, not 100% sure if it was terminal, the stagea had NSW plates (you changed your rego recently yeh term?) spotted the yellow R33 with stickers at woden. stockish gunmetal series I in a driveway in gowrie with a nice muffler.
  10. yeh mate i have plenty of stories with commodore drivers. i'm not pushing the stereotype, but a lot of shit i've had on the road are from commodore drivers (mainly VK-VTs). they love tailgating through corners and trying to zoom past you through a roundabout, somehow thinking their whales can outhandle my little girl with suspension upgrades. and once are proven wrong, love doing their little ceremonial drive by and single finger salute... the arseholes are everywhere, best thing to do is drive at the limit, and take the corners SLOWLY and SAFELY, and give them a wave and a smile. sigh
  11. spotted sxygtst today around lunchtime at burger king fyshwick.
  12. hey terminal, slap your brother over the head for me. defacing transformers like that the ONLY car which i've seen a decepticon look good on was some white one with it done really subtly on the front quarter, really small.
  13. spotted a very stock 32 GTS-T in civic today, looked surprisingly good, factory wheels and all. andrew: kdawg sold his 33 a couple of weeks ago, so that would've been the new driver.
  14. it's called "penis envy" supposedly only chicks suffer from this, but obviously these wankers too. weird stuff like this happens all the time, i just go angry for a bit and get over it, not much you can do.
  15. coming from the guy who i've spotted twice driving behind me... i took a quick drive thru braddon last night after work to see if anything was happening. spotted a silver 32GTR @ Caltex with the GT Wing, which young gus told me was sinista's new car - looked good man was gonna stop but decided to go home. also spotted today...the 32 with the flame stickers and GunMetal33
  16. YO BABY - is that the gold line everyone has been talking about? terminal - yeh i think that may have been you i saw, black shirt. you weren't suspicious, just looked back a couple of times, and i got paranoid also spotted about 10 mins ago, a black 32 with flames up front and black/red enkeis down past caroline chisholm high
  17. no need to replace the front lights i'm not completely sure what product it was but some guys on a SAU cruise in the ACT were using some meguiars stuff for the headlights. may have been the window washing stuff, worked wonders - made the light completely clear and new-looking again. just had a look, i think it was the meguiars no smear glass cleaner. i use the stuff on the windows and works wonders, give it a try
  18. hey terminal yeh that was mine, red one white wheels. at school studying for exams...sigh. you weren't that guy who walked past my car as i was parking right near sully's creek at about.....2:30? some guy walked past as i had just parked and kept turning back at car, made me a bit edgy :S
  19. if worse comes to worse stirlo, i have the drill bit attatchment and woollen sleeve for polishing by drill, the cloth is in ok condition..
  20. spotted a black/gunmetal 32 GTR down clift crescent richardson about an hour ago. had either bonnet vents done to it or CF, couldnt make out the rear spoiler, sinista?
  21. i was out in woden about an hour or so ago when the storm had just started, what a bastard. hail everywhere, there wasn't any place with cover i could pull in to, cos it was hailing. visiblity was 0. and to top it, some idiot in a old school torana or something broke down in the middle lane of that intersection going past hindmarsh towards fyshwick, he had no hazard lights, almost caused a few crashes. sigh
  22. spotted black series II with nice rims and NSW plates at ANU today. Anybody here? Haven't seen it at school or anywhere before. Also keep spotting all these rich international (namely Chinese) students with really nice cars. *sigh*
  23. yeh nice clip i loved the red JMS 33, that guy has some awesome control of his car in such little space
  24. In Canberra (the capital, no sorry, neither sydney nor melbourne are capitals of Australia), the age to get your "L" Plates as 15 and 9 months. This is attained through a series of short government theory tests, which can be done through school. People on L plates are restricted to driving with an adult on an open drivers licence. At 17, L platers can take either a logbook tests (series of 21 or so competencies which take about 5 x one hour lesson minium), or a one off drive with a government superviser. P plates are held for 3 years, which then you transfer to an open adults licence.
  25. yeh i spotted andrew too in my mirror, can't miss that colour and front bar and spotted then just driving home, a two tone gold/bronze VL with NSW plates and green Ps, with four ****S in it driving like idiots, thinking their boat handles like a 4WD rex or something.
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