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    r32 Skyline
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  1. ended up being one of the injectors was stuffed and constantly dripping out fuel causing the rough idle, not revving out etc, put a new injector in and runs sweet, anyone know what a 25 plus t can handle with standard everything, am looking into a bigger turbo, wastegate etc but not sure how they handle it
  2. Thought id let you all know that i rewired the car, and is running good now, just need to adjust idle, and when driving if you foot flat accelerate it will cut out once hits full boost, i have no boost tap or anything so could it be a leak ?
  3. so i put my multimeter on and the resistance was under 1 ohm so they must not be standard injectors, i did find that a bolt on the cas was snapped so it could be a timing issue, but it seems to run quite rich can smell fuel and backfiring a bit and has a few flames blowing out exhaust, now im wondering if the injectors could be bigger and it putting through too much fuel maybe ?
  4. is that putting a resistance meter between the two pins on the injector ?
  5. ok thanks for that, right tomorrow i shall cut those resistors out and see how it gets on, also have a few new sensors to try out so hopefully its running goog tomorrow haha (:
  6. ok cheers for that, so really the resistor packs installed in my loom shouldnt be there becuase standard purple 25det injectors are high impededence and the ecu is also high so these resistors is mostlikely the cause of my motor running crap ?
  7. ohh ok i understand now, so pretty much use the 20 loom and ignitor with a 25 injector loom, and everything else should be sweet to plug in and run, eliminating any faulty wiring ? also how would i go about hooking up the vct to the ecu ?
  8. so im better off getting a new rb20 loom, what injector wires do i swap over ? and yeah its a series 1 running a series 1 ecu aswell, but dont the rb25 have different injector plugs to the rb20 anyway?
  9. yea i thought it was odd to need resistor packs on the injector wirng from ecu when i thought they were same as rb20 injectors, so ive pretty much settled on buying a r33 loom so i can also run vct and have all the correct connections and nothing messed with, so if anyones from nz and knows of a cheap loom please let me know
  10. so then i have standard 25det injectors, so why would it have resistor packs installed? is this needed when using the 20de loom on a 25det ecu? I will be trying a new afm and tps tonight so i will let yous know how i get on
  11. just pulled am injector out, they are jecs a46-00 purple plug, are these sr20det injectors maybe ? and yeah, i have a feeling its wiring cause it looks pretty dodgy to me and its hard to tell cause i havnt done it, so im going to try a mates tps and afm and if thats no help i think i might buy a r33 loom and start again
  12. i know the ecu is a s1 25det i already checked that, im unsure about afm cause all my mates 25dets have a pink sticker and they have 3 wires where as mine is the green sticker and has 5 wires, do most people use a r33 loom for the engine bay and this connects up to ecu and most of the inside dash loom correct ? and yeah i will check the injectors today for part num and see what they are cheers
  13. im pretty sure it has 25det injectors as they are a darkish colour and side fed, and i think de injectors are a pinkish colour ? Yes has a wasted spark setup so spark should be good, walbro 500hp fuel pump so its getting plenty fuel to the rail, Yes a 33 s1 ecu with the r32 loom, has had what i think is resistor packs installed on the injector wiring by ecu if that helps, Yes its had a full roughly guessing 3 inch exhaust put in and yes its a plumbed in bov in plae of where the standard one goes. i have a feeling its a wiring issue, or injector fault, as i took lead 3 off and the motor ran no worse than it is yet has plenty of spark, did the same of 4 and 6, but 1 and 2 would make it run worse, each cylinder has good compression aswell all were 150
  14. im not entirely sure as i cant find much info about it from previous owner, is there something that causes them to not run well with a standard 25det ecu, i wouldnt think that would have caused a issue if its got like det injectors etc
  15. Hey guys, well im new here so please tell me if this is in wrong place, So ive recently bought a r32 skyline with a rb25de+t conversion its a series 1 motor and is running a standard s1 ecu, so il describewhat its doing and if anyone could offer advice if it a mmon 25 thing or what to check that would be good, its running a wasted spark setup, fmic, has a green sticker afm, and standard turbo etc, so it has a real rough idle that jumps between like 500ish to 1500rpm and sometimes will stall, and under acceleration it doesnt realy go past 4500rpm it just hits boost and splutters and sometimes backfires, so far ive put a 500hp fuel pump in, checked the spark thats good, its been wired into a r32 loom and im wondering if i should change to a r33 loom to eliminate any faulty connections the previous owner has, or it could be a simple sensor, any ideas ? Thanks
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