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Everything posted by Remix-

  1. 403 error for me also. Forbidden. Link is dead. Can anyone host these?
  2. Yeah, it's all sorted. Thanks for the quick response guys
  3. I think i might go swap them for 0.8's
  4. Today i bought a set of NGK-R BCPR6ES -11 spark plugs that are gapped to 1.1mm. Is this ok to use? I have heard people saying that .8 gap is by far better... my car is not heavily modified and i am running stock boost....
  5. Just to help someone else out in the future. Use a product called 'Co Contact Cleaner by CRC'.
  6. Anyone?
  7. Can anyone copy me a few pages from the RB20DET camshaft removal section of the workshop manual? I also need to know the camshaft torque settings.
  8. I think if they still think it's me then they'll have to take me to court over it.
  9. Has anyone here seen any of there own multinova pictures before? I am wondering how clear they are? And how can they actually prove it's you? I got sent a fine which i don't think it was me driving (the police seem to) and want to contest it.
  10. What is the best way to clean an air flow metre sensor? Carby cleaner?
  11. Maybe at your local morgue? hehe, im not to sure i've seen eye lids available for an r33, most people make them using some sort of plastic tape... i'll keep an 'eye' out though
  12. I will be calling.
  13. The older generation are going to love the ability to report hooning at their discretion and have our cars towed from the streets because my exhaust popped and disturbed nana sitting at home eating weetbix so she goes and tell's the cops i was doing 80km/hr in a 50zone and there is not a single thing i can do to stop my car being taken. What they don't realise is that we (youngins) are the people that will be helping them in the future when they are having hearties at ur local hospital and asking for a spare lung or something. What the **** is wrong with our world, people have been enjoying modified and sports cars for so many years now they think this will solve something new... One word: Revenue! Constable care is going to enjoy going to the police auctions and choosing out a nice sports car for half the price because it was repo'd off some kid that's worked night and day at KFC for the last 4 years. Why aren't the police out there stopping people from stealing my car, robbing servos and spray painting all over our city? Shit, it's no longer the theives im worried about having take my car now. Might have to buy the 2530 instead of a new car alarm - help keep the theives away. If i get done twice im buying a cbr 600.
  14. Thanks dood, i'll grab the GTR manual and have a read. Where is the bolt located so that i can crank over the engine until it is at TDC?
  15. 6 months i'd say.
  16. I am very angry about this. Someone needs to get this Michelle Roberts whore out of her seat.
  17. Get some rust kill onto it.
  18. Last Friday my car started making some weird noises and drove like a pig, i traced the clicking noise down to being the exhaust cam shaft key that connects with the cam angle sensor, basically it snapped off! I have been told that i will need to replace the exhaust camshaft completely. As i would prefer to avoid going to a workshop, i am going to have a go at changing the camshaft myself. I have never done anything like this, i have heard about all the terrible things that can happen if you get it wrong and screw up your timing, but i am still going to have a go. If anyone out there can give me any advice or tips on changing an exhaust camshaft in an RB20DET it would be greatly appreciated. Saturday will be judgement day. :ghost:
  19. Police quest series Space quest series King quest series Leisure suit larry... man Sierra rocked! Also digger, pacman, california games, sonic, road rash
  20. Yeah, with that R chipped off it should be dropped 10k in price i think.
  21. Hrm, i seem to be facing the same problem of hesitation. I am going to clean my afm this weekend with carby cleaner, check my cat for blockages and check my fuel pump and fuel pressure in the lines. I do recommend that you consider resetting your ecu, i did this last week and noticed quite a difference in performance for the positive. Best of luck.
  22. Thats awesome.
  23. It might not be happening though. So sick of the dreamers, joyriders and tyre kickers i have come across that just cannot come up with the money that it has put me off. Thinking about other solutions, eg rb26 it or something.
  24. I guess it comes down to what your car looks like and how loud it is. I have been trying to keep a stealth look about my car, but at the end of the day, it's a skyline. No matter what you do it will always be one and for that reason we will always be picked on. I think there are a few things that aid in not being targetted as much: 1. No stickers, huge wings, neons and assorted colourful rice 2. Use the factory rims or some subtle rims (not huge bling bling work 19's with 1 ft of dish) 3. Keep your window tint at 35% 4. Don't boost the crap out of your car at every chance 5. Get rid of your bov and use plumb back goodness/or learn to balance ur throttle 6. Don't have your stereo blarring at 150db 7. A reasonable ride height, dont have your coilies wound down on the stoppers 8. Huge bodykits and monster bonnet scoops are begging for attention 9. And most importantly i believe... DO NOT ESTABLISH EYE CONTACT WITH THE POLICE!!! But this is just my opinion. And i am guilty of a few above mentioned which i would like to change (eg height and tint). If anyone wants to add to this...
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