It was a good read. An eye opener into how far Ferrari will go to win some numbers games.
I know a lot of the top manufacturers have a strong grasp on the media and how their company is displayed, after all why wouldn't you? They hold the power to which media outlet is to host their next 'big thing' and being of such prestige and class they have a firm grasp for years to come, it doesn't matter what some media outlets say.
Reminds me of some of the traders on this website, they have immunity from dodgy products because they give to the forum, the same as Ferrari give media outlets money in the form of listeners readers and viewers.
ferrari's time of 2 seconds faster 0-100mph vs the typical owner of the same car is not so shocking to me. Again who is going to be the whistle blower. Understand that all sports cars are different, even if they are the same make and model, and none will be bang dead on with one another.
I have to say 2 seconds is a lot of lost time and Ferrari can't cover that up.
Don't bother with the 'tyres' debate. We all know manufacturers and dealerships have different options when it comes to what grade tyre you would like.
Ferrari seem like the typical over achiever in the automotive world. You know, the one who breaks all the rules to get ahead, but cry like a 2 year old child when things don't go their way.