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SAU WA Club Member
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Everything posted by tigeryas

  1. Wow... nice to see DR30s still floating around, even though they might not be in Perth... i know that DR30RS is in Perth... I wish mine was a 2 door, unluggily its a 4... since this thread seems to still be intact, I could ask it here... what can I do with a stock DR30, FJ20-turbo engine with a mere $1k? Yes, very little bling-bling, but criticism is not what i'm after... thanks guys
  2. tigeryas

    tigeryas's Gallery

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  3. or..."thank you for driving within the speed limit"
  4. how many members are there anyway at the mo'? missed the cruise on sat... i wonder how was that, and how many ppl came...? zanda check your mail soon, incoming...
  5. yeah they tend to do that with those stories... its always biased in some way... we don't all speed crazily, and nearly most of the time everyone just goes from 0 to 60-70 in like, 1-2 seconds and then cruise it at 70 the rest of the way. That isn't speeding is it? Unless u get done for some other offence, like dangerous or reckless driving But the TV Stations always portray us as ALWAYS speeding... and I dont even speed most of the time... And thats my two cents... that'll take care of some SOBs... *Yas in trouble* What the!?
  6. fek...did i put them in the wrong place? shet...someone tell me how? THe noob at work -_-
  7. hey peeps pics of my car are finally up... i trust you wont stalk my plates? i couldnt be bothered ok... and please dont diss it too hard... its a very emotionally fragile car... hey DR30RS what mods do u have / can it have on ur car??? I'm wondering what my car could be capable of... it's stock as far as i know..? thanks
  8. hey how do we make the payment? or did i miss something?
  9. nice to hear Fane! yeah no one around knows anything bout my car cos its imported, old, have the manual but cant read it blah blah blah... glad to know SOMEone's around... ^^ running in the 90s...
  10. Man I am SO glad to know that people actually like a DR30... people give me crap about how its too old... i have a lot of pride in it though. I think the DR30s are better than the R31s... Absolutely no offence to owners of R31s... again, will post pics soon, just doing my stupid uni assignments X( Skyline Forum seems like one big happy family! nice to hear! :D:D
  11. mannn...u don't??? i figured that Lonely-driver tag meant you would... watch Initial D, a Japanese anime series on drifting, cars, races....etc
  12. i'll take a pic of it, and post it up here soon. It's an FJ20-T... i have the manual but it's in Japanese and I can't read Jap well enough to understand it... thats right tomj, racers dont need girls, do they iketani-senpai!?!?!? kuuuuu~~~!
  13. unlucky... it's a 4 door... : / the best $1000* I've ever spent... * = ok, it was my dad's friend's car... hasn't done any kms at all...
  14. hey guys I was wondering what we get in return for being a member? Maybe I missed something... I'm kinda getting excited about this already! Haha! Mr prez, expect an email from me soon...
  15. Sup peeps I'm a newbie to the skyline thingy so bear with me... i've got a rare DR30 Skyline Turbo and I was wondering if it's possible to install a BOV into it. Friends tell me that you can fit a BOV into any turbo car, but I can't help thinking that my car is too old to install such a thing... Any advice's appreciated...
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