Hi all
Im hoping this is the correct place to ask this question
A m8 gave me the link to this site , hopeing i could maybe get some advice
I have a 88 skyline which untill recently has been going allright
But just last week , its been dying on me
I drive for say 10km - 10 mins roughly
then it starts spluttering and eventually just dies
It winds over fine , but wont start
If i leave it for say 30 mins it starts fine and goes for another 10 mins
At first i thought it was a blocked fuel filter and just using the fuel its got then dying , so i replaced the filter and its still doing it
Now im thinking its a temp prob
I took my airflow meter out and it still has the 3 wires in it , so i dont think its that
But maybe a sensor ??
Could it be that sensor thing that bolts in the the exhaust-extractors ??
Air filter is new also
I know i cant get an answer for my troubles
Just after a idea what it MIGHT be
I think i will have to take it into nissan i suppose
or if any one knows someone on the gold coast that has a clue
please any ideas would be great
Just aint loaded at the moment to be frowing money around on something that wont help
Thanks people