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Everything posted by C4a0s

  1. 10a wire is whats generally used... 8 gauge is way overkill... not to mention really thick and hard to hide around the car.. besides, how do u crimp and wire it to relays etc?
  2. yea...heard abt the R35s any idea about the Brembo GTR/GT series?
  3. C4a0s

    R34 Mfd

    think u can only get it from japan. comes in english though i think. best bet would be to email nismo jp or ask one of those internet company that sells car stuff... they might be able to import for u from japan. the nismo mfd comes with a board replacement and some sensors i believe.
  4. i would leave ecu to last...cos its most expensive and tricky. how bout doing up the handling and braking first?
  5. hi all just curious.... anyone tried the R35 brake upgrade or the Brembo GTR or GT range? are the brembo ones bolt on for the R34? also when u changed your calipers did u upgrade ur master brake cylinder?
  6. if u have the FSM, maybe u can check the dimensions? there could be nothing wrong except for a ill fitting imitation bumper or it could be a replaced radiator support panel. its a drift car... so some damage is expected?
  7. IMO, if u check... Aust models are just as good as those in US actually and the cost of bringing one in... plus shipping might even be more expensive. if its just a couple of dollars cheaper, i suggest getting it locally cos there is warranty etc. unless the difference in price(after shipping) is >AU$500?
  8. yeah would have been too obvious...
  9. looks very nice
  10. u have to do his indian accent and mannerism as u say it... bloody funny..
  11. russell peters? LOL
  12. i once spent the entire afternoon tracing the wiring etc when my pump fuse kept shorting... entire wire mess was fine. next day pump was fine. a week later pump died. weird shit happens with electronics... eliminate the one with highest probability first...
  13. hope u get it sorted out soon...
  14. cheapest solution for now is to empty and refill with clean coolant... then check again if there's oil after a day. oil in radiator is not a good thing/cheap to fix
  15. locally i know that some tuners will not tune engines that were not built by them cos they are not sure of the engine's built quality and to a certain extent i agree with them but this separates the average tuner from the real pros i guess cos the jap tuner (i think he was the head tuner of apexi and creator of pfc) i went to... asked me what parts were in the engine, gave the engine a quick check and proceeded to tune the engine after setting up all the sensors etc...after 3 years... still no issues at all with engine.
  16. the bolt/stud combo is a good idea, exactly how Sard does it for their collector tanks. btw, did u add a simple fuse since u wired it directly to the battery? normally the current draw shouldnt be so high to melt the connector... unless at WOT for more than 10 mins? maybe u shd prepare for another pump as well. from my experience, a soon to die pump could work intermittently and draw tons of current then next moment work fine.
  17. still...thats not professional. y shd they mess with him just because previously he went to a workshop they didnt like?
  18. very nice...
  19. congrats in getting ur car back!!
  20. thanks for the recommendation
  21. oh but if cars are stolen while they are in your possession...would the owner's insurance refuse to pay?
  22. i think at the end of the day...it pays to do your own research and supervise closely the work done on ur car...cos who would treasure your car more? only u right?
  23. C4a0s

    Bnr34 Or R35

    but seriously... to put a totally different engine into a skyline... that must have taken a hell lot of work. not for the faint hearted for sure...
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