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Everything posted by C4a0s

  1. why not somewhere further out? more space and cheaper... that way ur GTR has its own garage
  2. C4a0s

    Insurance Scheme

    If i am not mistaken....where u garage the car also makes a difference... if u add in the drivers above 35 clause, it brings down the premium by an arm try speaking to Iron Chef, he has contacts...
  3. what does the LM mean? pics of rust can be deceiving... is there something special abt this car that u want or can u settle for another one without the rust?
  4. why?
  5. not if u got it thru Iron Chef
  6. just thought cost might be a concern? the super streets are actually quite good for the price... though some say abit harsh.. I had the Super drifts on my S13.. loved them but were harder than hell havent really tried the HKS.... but heard wonders abt them...
  7. hahhaha probably not... serious? i have not come across the chinese surname "hoon" though
  8. btw... not that it angers me or wat...i just find it funny when i see kia picantos putting nismo, TRD and mugen stickers... but hey... thats their choice...
  9. Hmm...just to answer the OP's question (if its genuine) if u take a look at japanese car magazines, car clubs and forums... there is an entire community built around the GTR...whether its the R32, R33 or R34.. If u heard of the jap magazine GT-R, u'd see that they have been in business for quite awhile but what do they write about mostly? Then there is a bigger community built ard the Skylines. To a lot of people (including myself), the GTR is a childhood dream car...So it would seem sacrilegious that u or anyone else diss the car that a lot of people love... or even put a GTR badge on a GTT... not that there is anything wrong with a GTT, if u cant afford a GTR or chose not to get one for whatever reason, its fine. Be proud of what u have. Dont have to go around insulting other people's passion. you wouldnt want people insulting something u liked/loved rite? if this thread was meant to get angry responses.... then thats just plain silly and a waste of your time.
  10. actually, i find the worm drive ones are usually quite thin and force distribution uneven and the metal strap cuts into the silicon hose... the thicker T bolt ones are stronger, holds better and most usually have the lip thingy to prevent cutting at the edge. but all that is useless if u dont have a lip/bead thing at the end of the pipe.
  11. unless u dont really care about your car getting stolen or its cheaper than the alarm, else I believe a good car alarm and installation is something not to scrimp on...
  12. C4a0s

    Insurance Scheme

    StretchGSK, roughly how much is your comp insurance? seems like insurance companies dont like R33s...
  13. I'd say go for the HKS...or Tein Super Street
  14. if they see how much their dad loves the GTR....i'm sure they would be able to appreciate it in time to come
  15. wont be able to make it though
  16. see? we are such a friendly helpful bunch
  17. actually apart from the ebay ones, some of them like Flex-a-lite do have a shroud and i can see the importance of using a shroud. I didnt use one with my electric fans but it still lowered temps when the fans came on.
  18. i wont say its a total waste of time... we can share opinions on which mods each of us would do first...we cant be all having the exact ideas rite? just share and bounce off ideas... besides, the fact that we are posting here means we have a bit of time on our hands rite? LOL
  19. ANYway... back to the OP's question... personally i'd go for handling and reinforcement first before power mods. ECU, cams, turbo, boost controller would be last for me... learn to control the car and feel it first before making huge amounts of power
  20. The article on News was average at best and was warped and biased..... trying to make nonsense sound logical... glad Kristian wrote in to set things straight....
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