Hmm...just to answer the OP's question (if its genuine)
if u take a look at japanese car magazines, car clubs and forums... there is an entire community built around the GTR...whether its the R32, R33 or R34.. If u heard of the jap magazine GT-R, u'd see that they have been in business for quite awhile but what do they write about mostly?
Then there is a bigger community built ard the Skylines. To a lot of people (including myself), the GTR is a childhood dream car...So it would seem sacrilegious that u or anyone else diss the car that a lot of people love... or even put a GTR badge on a GTT... not that there is anything wrong with a GTT, if u cant afford a GTR or chose not to get one for whatever reason, its fine. Be proud of what u have. Dont have to go around insulting other people's passion. you wouldnt want people insulting something u liked/loved rite?
if this thread was meant to get angry responses.... then thats just plain silly and a waste of your time.