I have had my neighbour complain to me . He came up to me one day after work and politely asked me why the car has to be running after i get out of the car . I kindly explained to him the physics of Metalergy , and what happens to a turbo if its stopped suddenly.
He then asked if it was nessasary to have it running at all hours of the night when i come home late (12am-6am) on weekends. I said to him i will drive the car slowly a few kms away from my house ( meaning under boost ; 1500-2500 rpm) and when i get home i will turn it straight off ,so as not to wake every1 in my street up with my idle. My neighbour works for the RTA too.
Since then its been sweet, I have turned it off when i come home late and he seems happy.
To bad for you that they are doin such actions to you man, I would honestly go around each of ur neighbours and ask them if they have any issues with you and your car ?
Do you know whos complaining?