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Everything posted by BiZzReVhEad

  1. lol dont know about a mini series . Just a refund if it fails would be great.
  2. Ever Wonder why they never thought about putting any sort of INSURANCE on the items sent if thats possible ? All i know is i only deal with COD and insured items from now on. I dont think its time to start pointing fingers at your mate . I think the Fault lies upon yourself Fidel . As said before if its not in your hands Dont sell it. Let them do it!. Pity some people keep gettin ripped off time after time. Althou for me i would have to say i waited 3 months for a ECU that finnaly arrived TODAY! i was ready to box on!GrrrrrAaa! . But i guess. Problem Solved to say the least. hehe all i need now is a R33 S1 turbo
  3. A man was throwing Petrol over a Crowd of Muslims , a police officer saw the man and asked him what he Thought he was doing, The man replyed, about 15 to the gallon A recent survey was conducted to why men like blowjobs, 10% said they like the feeling, 25% said they like the closeness of eachother 65% said they liked the Fu#@ing silence :D
  4. Still watching this thread with a keen eye . Damn magic cat! I really dont want to have to loose out on 300bucks!
  5. umm all i can say is wtf happend to every1 !.. Shameful to be left out again . Maybe another time
  6. i have a Magic cat as well , and will be rather annoyed if someone slugs me with a huge ass fine because it didnt pass an EPA test . Ill definately be looking at the outcome of this .
  7. Pick Me Pick Me! :jump: Ill be there with bells on hehe , hopefully everything runs smoothly and we dont get into any incidents now :innocent: :chairshot
  8. I really thought things would get better for me after getting a new Gearbox and clutch. Basically what is happening is this . 1. On idle The gearbox isnt making any noises (clutch out ) 2. On idle the gearbox still isnt making noises (clutch in ) 3. Reving the engine past 2500rpm standing still or driving in any gear i can hear this Tremendous annoying whiiirrrrring metal to metal type noise and the gearstick vibrates slightly. 4. Clutch isnt slipping . 5. Brand New Xtreme DCBHD clutch and pressure plate New Thrust race bearing installed 2nd hand RB20 gearbox All new seals on box . Spiggot bush remained , as it didnt look to bad . Also had the Flywheel machined to suit . The car has done about 200kms since i put it in and hasnt sounded like its goin away. Ive read up in other threads about wierd noises that it could be my Thrustrace Bearing. (maybe they installed it wrong ?) But im not totally sure about this. I really dont want to pay any more money for someone to fix it as the shop who put it in should fix it i beleive . If anyone can shed some light on my situation i would be very greatful . I wouldnt think all this New stuff would cause so much issues .. Also not sure if its because my clutch is a Ceramic Cushined button clutch and is supposed to make them noises . I have also noticed a slight drop in Acceleration gain (power loss) but maybe its just me, but i swear i could hook it around the same round about with the same throttle and cross it up more then i did the other day with my old Excedy HD clutch . THanks again! Nathan
  9. it is a complete unit with pressure plate and clutch plate, Wacked her straight off my lil baby the weekend just passed. No need for it anymore as i have a button clutch in my car now. Hope that helps . Pm me when ur rdy to go Oh and im heading over to daniels house (GTS4) now to take the pics of it and ill get him or me to post them up as soon as i get back ... Give me around 5pm or so. Cheers
  10. On each side there is 4mm of clutch left. Making it roughly 8-10mm overall thick taking into account the metal spacer in middle of it. Hope that helps. Oh and i found with Australia post it will cost $21 dollars . But with freight i would say it would cost $50 . .. Just take into account the price wont be much more then $70 using private Freight. Hope this also helps http://www1.auspost.com.au/pac/aus_parcel_select.asp Package is roughly under 11kgs Dimension : (box) 500mm x 500mm x 100mm thick. My post code is 2753 Its all yours :werd: :sadam:
  11. I can assure you it is . Car only had 168 I have added you to msn . And ill send you the pics later tonight, when i see my mate with the digi cam and ill upload em straight away. I have been told there isnt any difference between the clutches , althou your welcome to query that through your own sources. Depends how you want to me to send it , Freight to Melbourne (no exact location) is roughly $70 . Or i can post it to you COD but theres a risk of postal service stuff ups, but will be cheaper . Your 70$ is money back guarentee delivery too. Regards, Nathan
  12. An R33 without a friend u must be lonely Ill be there too . so long as the Organiser Spots the route before we leave so i dont hit any more road kills and cause 800$ worth of damage again!!!!!!!
  13. I am selling my old clutch , it is an Exceedy HD organic clutch From a RB20DET with pressure plate . I will post some pics up tommorow afternoon , its still in great condition and has done about 10,000kms . Willing to sell for $100ono , will send interstate so long as you pay for the postage I think its capable of 180kw Cheers, Nathan :matrix:
  14. Im in the same boat it seems animals are having their revenge on us. Hit a roo in the Nasho park and nearly ***in lost it into a wall. Also damaged my N1 lip and cracked my spoiler.
  15. N1 Lip cracked to buggery GTR passenger side , lower part of Spolier cracked as well. Looking at about 300 to fix id say. Might be able to salvage the GTR front spoiler and hopefuly can plastic mould it up. But lucky for me it was Dead already. Was a rather scary experience to say the least. Another SAU member (brenden) was in front of my and he locked up as well. I came off worse . Blood and crap all up my car ! Please note . If u ever want to do a Nasho run id probably Consider going slowly along the road to see if theres any roadkills before goin at it. P.S it was the 1st Corner into the Park too.
  16. hit a ***in kangaroo , Glad u all didnt come
  17. A little late notice but ,Thought id post this just to see if any1 who isnt busy and feel like doing something other then the norm. Me and GTS4 might take a short trip tonight to Nasho park (sutherland shire) if any1 keen , meet up will be at the Warratah street spot where the round about is . ( normal meetup point ) If any1 is keen just head down to there at 10:30pm tonight . Any issues with directions msg this phone as it will be off and ask for more information 0404793799 , will get bakk to u.
  18. Just a Quick note . My car is doin this too and ISNT blowing any smoke. Where does one find this PCV valve ? I am having the same issue , and wanan try clean it out. My Oil pressure is exactly right and Compression ratio is fine too . So im not thinking rings , can someone help me plz. P.S sorry for the Hijak
  19. Drive KMs on end just to find a BP with ULTIMATE, only to find how long my Fuel light lasts. BP everytime! If not ill goto a Shell
  20. ill give u 220 for the turbo pm me msn [email protected]
  21. Id luv to go how much is it ?
  22. Maybe your a little low on oil , or your not using Redline Shockproof Or you box might be a little worse for ware if the oil change doesnt work. Try looking at a new clutch altogether http://www.horsepowerinabox.com./HPIAB2/ca...ategory17_1.htm
  23. i might be there depending on my car being tuned by then or not
  24. yer i been thinking the same thing about the flywheel part . I dont think ill REALLY need it . Well lets hope not anyway . Ill prolly find a good machinest and get them to fix it up , cost me 50 bucks or something compared to 600 odd . Anyone else think Flywheel is necessary or not please tell your thoughts
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