man xenons own and to know if there real listen to them when ya turn em on they buzz a bit and yeah they light up gradually plus u should see a made in germany xenon stamp on the ballast...i bought some from xenonOz payed 1500 for a h1 kit for my 33 i know dats pricey but no other hid is legal them up if ya after new bulbs
my low beam xenon is better than skyline high beam
<---- falls of chair laughin
what do dudes get outta fakeing this shit....
keep dreamin bout them round tail lights son................maybe one day.....
original bomex isnt easy to get in aust i tried to track it down ended up gettin veilside
can get bomex copys from carmate but the quality isnt that good....
yeah i wanted some hks manifolds 3000$ worth no reply either
have to buy in aust now for 4000$
my mate has had no trouble with nengun he just got his turbo no probs so
maybe im just unlucky
see the white on the surface were its looks melted...sparks jumping from coil 2 coil
not running threw them to the plugs...
mine was misfiring like hell, got splitfires, prob solved...
shows my old coils and the arking
man 212 $ is nothin i payed $1000 for splitfires
if ya wanna run a bit of boost ya gonna need better ones
arent u supposed to earth them somehow b4 u uncover??
maybe bull shit to get more $$ outta me iono
but so much coil talk i posted a pic
THIS A F**D COIL if your looks da same time for new ones
sparks jumpin from coil to coil not goin threw them to the plugs
see da white shit were it looks melted
make your own custom diffuser...i got a aluminium fabricators to make mine.. powder coat it up... depending on your design can make your bar look alot meaner