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Everything posted by kralster

  1. The thing thats interesting about that is that the celesterial brush was only added into the game very late in development. It was an after thought. Currently playing... Okami still. Just got to the capital city.
  2. umm the wheels need to spin otherwise the car would be stationary.
  3. How are you finding the new Phenom processor Andrew? What i've mostly read hasn't been that positive. And the chipset and socket seem to be just an extension of AM2. And do they only run a 800 mhz bus?
  4. ^^^^ Sure is coming to the Wii. I'm about 10 hours into Okami now. And am absolutely loving it, it's one of the best games i've played in the past year. So currently playing Okami and thats it cos it's sooo sweet.
  5. No way you'll get much more nowadays mate. It may be worth more, but it's a buyers market and people are selling very cheap nowadays. Plus that wing is worth about -$5000
  6. You know you drive a skyline when you have illusions of grandeur.
  7. good find madaz.
  8. Very sensitive aren't we. I never once made a mention about commodores yet two people felt the need to chip in about all the non individual ones. MissR34 do whatever you like, most people probably coudn't care less what you do with your car, so as lots of people have said. Do your own thing. If you really want to stand out though put a periscope on it.
  9. I don't see what so unique about spending money on an NA skyline? or any skyline for that matter? there is at least 15 million of them on australian roads.
  10. Okami has actually been discontinued, and unless it goes platnium you won't see too many new copies in retail in a few years. I was going to buy it when it first came out here (as you probably no aaaaages after the original release in japan) and never got around to it. And i was thinking about it at work the other day and saw it had been discontiuned but managed to get one anyways. I just finished CoD4 single player. Damn good game, even though it's very linear the pacing and action keep it always interesting.
  11. Currently playing.. CoD4 PC. Good to see infinity ward back for this one. The 3rd one was a shocker. Trying to do the campaign first, a bit over half way according to my brother. Also playing Okami, bought it brand new for 30 bucks, only played a little bit, but i'm gonna try and finish it.
  12. Just use fibreglass polish. The stuff is great. Just get it from any boating store.
  13. lol, i would bet most skyline owners are "average joe's" and lots of them drive cars that go fast, but have cheap brake and suspension bits on them.
  14. With the price of gas in adelaide, i wouldn't bother having a car run on it. Like above. for work a 4 cylinder turbo diesel will make more torque and have better economy.
  15. Why would they kill themselves? the car only goes as fast as your right foot And if this car is modded legally there is nothing wrong with it. If your car doesn't meet ADR's don't go complaining when you get defected.
  16. In before lock!!!! ohh wait...
  17. ^^^^ Quiet the opposite in fact!!! Sound is wasted energy!!
  18. Ohh also the alloytech V6 in commodores is also used by alfa romeo
  19. You do realise that chev is owned by General Motors? Which also owns Holden? Also did you know that a lot of the new Nissans run on the same platforms as the new renaults?
  20. kralster


    The only time AWD helps is when accelerating your braking, and corner speed are unaffected by the 4wd. What i wrote above was a bit misleading, i'm sure there are fairly good tyres out there espcially for 300 bucks or so a corner. But i would never get el cheapo's for a car with that kind of performance, and from what it seems your going to get you haven't done that. Happy motoring!! I used to love buying tyres for my skyline, something about having all this expensive rubber underneath you, now i hate having to buy tyres for my ol bluebird.
  21. kralster


    Your driving in a car that probably cost you in excess of 50 grand and you wouldn't spend the money for decent tyres?
  22. I bought it, am paying the monthly fee... but have never played it. My younger brother already has a maxed level character, so level 50 or 60 whatever. Looks cool i just don't have the time to play an mmo.
  23. This subforum is called "General Automotive Discussion" And heres a definition of "General" for you 1.involving, applicable to, or affecting the whole 2.not confined by specialization or careful limitation
  24. I garuntee you that the commodore chassis is stronger and has more torsional stiffness than any skyline.
  25. Don;t you have the UV cut glass for the rear window, and little windows in the back? Cos i did in my old 34 and that was pretty damn dark.
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