So i'm thinking of buying a new mac book pro.
What do people think?
The one i'm looking at runs a core 2 duo intel chip, geforece 8600 chip, 2 gig or ram and what not.
And i really only want it for media based stuff, and surfing the web. I'm pretty much sick of windows. Plus i have my brothers computer for games. And i have almost every other console under the sun. So i'm not buying it with the intention of using it as a games computer.
I know they do cost a lot of money compared to a windows based laptop eqivelent. but i really like the look of the new mac book.
Also it will be bought for use at work as well so it will be salary scarificed so in the end the total cost won't be as bad.
Also everyone needs to download the new MGS4 english trailer. looks freaking good.
And i'm not entirely convinced that you will play as David Hayter (solid snake) in this one, from some little interesting things i've seen the trailer.