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Everything posted by kralster

  1. ^^^ well almost every console in the world is released here later than oversea's so i don't see how that would of made a difference at all. PSX was launched in 94 in japan, 95 in australia, ps2 was released march 2000 japan, and october 2000 in australia, gamecube was launched september off the top of my head in japan and march the following year here, psp was launched in november in japan and mid the next year over here. So i don't see where you are going with that.
  2. Pauly your pc should run it very sweetly, in fact i'd love to see it run on your pc. I'm running it on a athlon 64 3200+, 1 gig or ram, geforce6600GT, and i'm running it at 1377x768, on medium setttings quite nicely. So you should have no problem.
  3. Dear sir, I am sick, need food mr kurns, sincerley such and such
  4. yup ps3 games are region free.
  5. ok i see, all good. will see you at the etsa car park!! i assume it's the one near the city that big glass building.
  6. ^^^^ Is this cruise actually happening? cos i can't find any info on nissansilvia.com about it, and mark and julie simpson post a fair bit on there, as that is where their son used to post. So whats the deal??
  7. Well i have STALKER it came into work on monday, and like i said it will be average and thats what i think of it. Like i said it suffers from being in development for too long. Sure it is fun and know doubt i'll complete it, it just isn't what it could or was going to be if it was released on time. It is out today retail so pick it up if you've been hanging for it cos you will certainly enjoy it. And there is a CE and standard edition so remember that if you want the fancy one. My old 80gig hdd just gave up the ghost a few weeks ago so i purchased a 73 gig 10,000 rpm sata drive. nice and fast and future proof. I'll just use my new 250 gig drive for movies, torrents, mp3's etc.
  8. Well i can tell you the margin is more that 5% on the consoles, but any retail store selling them for less than 999 is not a good idea, you will sell them no matter what by the look of it. skylineguy19 pm where you work if you like as chances are we are your supplier.
  9. i wouldn't waste your time with F1, it's subpar as have been f1 games for some years now. Also if we are going to do the debate of hd costing 250 on the 360 also throw in the fact wireless for the 360 is 169.95. The 360 is great, the ps3 will be great, not one title on launch is a system seller. As is with every new console almost, which i have pointed out before. by the sounds of your job hanyou we may be talking to each other as well!
  10. I got Test Drive Unlimited on PS2 from work yesterday. Am yet to try it, i'll compare it to the 360 version. Should be interesting to see how they've done.
  11. What about plain red?
  12. No and there won't be as it doesn't have a HDMi output. It wouldn't make a difference anyway so there is no need for one.
  13. Well i finished GRAW2 on 360. Took me about 3 and a half hours on regular difficulty and i achieved the rank of "Ghost" so thats a damn short game, thank goodness i got it for free. Still playing FFIII will probably play a bit of it tonight.
  14. They can be modded to play back up's of games. The catch i beleive is taht your dvd burner in your pc has to match the dvd drive in the system, something to do with the firmware i believe.
  15. Tiger wood 07 looks good.
  16. paint it white, easy to keep clean.
  17. Well with the wii you have two options composite - blurry component - jaggy Wii isn't capable of graphics like that seen on ps3 or 360. Please note that i am not saying the games are crap but that the graphics aren't that flashy, i know it's all about the gameplay.
  18. I'll be coming, if possible mark could i get the route that we will be taking? I live in victor harbor so i know the roads pretty well, so it would be good to see where we will be going.
  19. get the plates ASS MAN
  20. Tiger woods 07 is out now and looks quite good. I've been thinking of picking it up, but i'm in a mood where i don't want to be thinking about games. Which is hard when you work in a place full of them, but at least it's not retail.
  21. The wii is overperforming. It will not have the longivity of the other consoles. Once ps2 support is finished and they are no longer porting ps2 games to the wii, and games will have to be made from scratch specifically for the wii then you will see a repeat of the past two generations of nintendo consoles. Few titles, quite a few crap games with some absolute belters in there. And they will mostly be first and second party titles. Not that nintendo have many second party developers anymore.
  22. ^^^^ I've never really enjoyed american or euro rpgs. I've always been a big fan of turn based games like the ones mentioned above. Back on topic. This weekend i've had a Aussie PS3 at home. And have been playing resistance which i think is fairly average, gt hd which is extremely average, genji which has the worst camera angles of all time, F1 which is pretty boring. And a few other demo's. As is expected with a launch most games are sucky, but you get that. Also been playing a fair bit of GRAW2.
  23. All three consoles will have great titles, thats why i have about 20 different consoles. Some games i can only get on certain platforms so it's not the manufacture that sways my gaming habbits, it's the games. So as long as good games come out on ps3, 360, and wii i will continue to buy them.
  24. GT HD is shocking, forza 2 is coming along nicely and i believe will be a better game
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