It's not that good. As is almost every console on launch.
All that GT:HD does is have pretty graphics (not that amazing anyway) and changes nothing in terms of gameplay. Heck half the sound effects are from the original game.
I bet you there won't be damage in the next gt as well.
All other ps3 launch titles have been disapointing as well. Resitance is average, the graphics moreso, COD3 is crap on all systems (way to let a series down activision) nba07 is bollocks compared to NBA2k7 and thats all i've played so far.
And no i'm not a sony hater i got my ps1 on launch on november 15th 1995, and have 2 psone's and 2 ps2's. And over 100 original titles for them both.
Also sony have just annouced they are jacking up the price of the system for some european countries, they haven't said anything officially about the launch in europe and australia.
The 6 axis is a joke and adds nothing to any of the games i've played.