Wow wow wow... Watch your words here Ross, don't act all mighty behind your screen there because majority of us know that you're daddy's little boy who gets whatever he wants when he goes and begs daddy for it. I've never met you personally but I can tell you now that you're not going to get far with your life going by what I've heard from people. You need to be taught some respect because its quite obvious that you're just a spoilt brat!
How dare you attack another mans business, do you think DT Panals would have the reputation it has if it is as bad as you say it is? I think not bud. Remember the R34 that's in your DP was once Vu's, although you bought it of him
and tried your hardest to try and make it look like a different car eg painting the rims greens, I have to say you do not deserve to own a Japanese icon, you my friend have daddy's money but no brains. Vu has a lot of respect from
many people, why? Because he is a loyal man who works hard and is known for his quality, unlike you. So if I were you I'd be watching who you're attacking bud.
PS built not bought... Stop commenting and trying to take credit on photos via FB everytime a page posts up a photo of how the car looked when Vu sold it, because you never made it look that way and I wish Vu never sold the car to you because you truly do not deserve a master piece.
Ill see you around with your blown motor mr no brainier.