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  1. 92r32gts


    the funny part is i got defected at a servo....... i was filling up fuel minding my own business and bang! they pull up and wait for me to finish filling up and 30 minutes later i see a whole bunch of tickets on my passenger seat
  2. 92r32gts


    hahaha i just cant see how a BOV is a defect...... i also got another defect for reflective wipers..... lol haha thats absolutely rediculous
  3. 92r32gts


    Hi guys i just got defected for a number of things mainly my BOV so i put the factory BOV back on and plumbed it in and whatever else and saughted the other defects out which were pointless...... but my point is why is my car getting an extra 3PSI from the factory BOV?? and is there a way to make the factory BOV louder?????
  4. i have been a car detailer for the last 3 years and i find the best product for swirl remover is the poorboys range...... they have a product called SSR (scrath and swirl remover) 2.5 and thats the best one i have found used with a good quality waffle pad and slow speed on the buff...... you can buy the product from http://www.waxit.com.au/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.browse&manufacturer_id=21&Itemid=1 also if your not too keen on using that stuff poorboys also make a product called white diamond....... works wonders if ur car is a light color...... if its dark use black hole........ they are both the same product but one is for light colors and one is for dark........ these are also available from the same website....... if u need anymore help pm me......
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