Part number is 27718–ed00a
Comes up as gas sensor on parts catalogs
looks like it’s never been plugged up from factory? Should be plugged up is the question?
Cheap if anyone looking for an aftermarket one
Hey guys
Anyone here installed an amp in there V36 with a line level converter from the back of the factory head unit? Any help would be great.
Car is a V36 with sat nav
Anything iOS 10+ and above, the V36 can't play Bluetooth audio if the phone is also connected. Can do 1 or the other, but not both at the same time. Not sure what apple did but it just doesn't work. ios9 works.
I've been using this for the past two years works perfectly everytime.
You need to pair the phone again (in car settings for Phone and streaming audio, 2 different options) . delete old in both phone and streaming and pair up again. Should work.