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Matty 31

SAU SA Club Member
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Everything posted by Matty 31

  1. hahahah yeah, mum was out watching me to make sure i didnt go for a squirt. not that i could with 2 cars in the way in the driveway. hence why its up under the carport, as its not "public access" twins bazzle...........twins!
  2. but i did drag her outta the shed whoops...................ive relocated them LOL
  3. me...............never me = innocent R32 > VR
  4. from what i heard of ya tellin me after the case, sounds like he did do a really good job eh ben My poor car has been neglected - 2 weeks of not being on charge every day and she's suffered. Poor thing struggles to start atm
  5. i'll b there as always
  6. thats where ive seen it before LOL............it seemed to be a bit quick, especially when it hit second to suddenly disappear up the road..................with a wobble of the butt.............then hit third and it was a case of "holy bollocks" forgot, before that spotted a sliver 32 with SAU sticker at top of windscreen turnin right from sir don onto tapleys to head north.....female driver, mighty fine
  7. instead of mine being me +2, make it +3 LOL *edit* yeah, its back to only +2 again hahahaha
  8. spotted a 33 four door in silver / charcoal two tone, very similar to the dangerman muppet bus on tapleys this arvo bout 2ish. noticed the willall racing sticker on the bootlid, and the rather hasty disappearance when lined up against a carload of p platers in a VS calais LOL looks familiar from somewhere.........maybe a HPI mag
  9. sure sure pete, better bring the SLED again, sounds like photos mite be in order hehehehe
  10. on another note hey ryan.........goin to take me up on that offer for ya wheels now? they are second hand afta that job u did of munting the lip $50 offer still stands luv u long time LOL btw, james also says he owes ya a 6 pack too hahahahaha
  11. i dont blame them............sounded pretty awful from outside hahaha compared to the sweet note of an RB
  12. hehehehe its all good
  13. might wanna change my power figure to 154.8 not 174.8...........can only wish haha oh and no ute :'( think u mite hav been out next to me when that was on tho hey
  14. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee first car on the vid screamer sounds mad
  15. think that mite hav been u i seen at grand junction / port road lights on the way back, went to turn right and thought i could see an SAU sticker was too hot down there, but at the end of the day i can have a whinge if this doenst go ahead cos i made the effort to come down and sign the petition (as i kno pete, luke, and a few others no doubt would hav)
  16. think its 12-4 be bringin some water n shiz with me
  17. haha thought the rally was on at 10 for some reason, then read that its 12 ohwells um, luke and i spotted a couple of 33 gtrs in our travels sat nite the first one was a dark coloured one (was cruisin with a 32 gtst) on port wakefield rd bout 9......come outta waterloo cnr and turned into bolivar rd. was passenger in the white BA sedan with chromies that gave ya the thumbs up then seen a 33 gtst with a white gtr at the junkfood corner lights about 10ish. waved again, same car, same passenger hahaha
  18. okay im confused now is this a different meet to the one that luke (ENR-034) was having? what time at harbour town?
  19. i'll b there too
  20. did i hear someone say buck hunter? hahahahahaha i gotta play that again pro sniper
  21. spotted heslo friday arvo by ET, was comin out in the ute afta droppin his trade plate back. couldnt find the horn quick enough LOL
  22. even tho im meant to have army that weekend (and meant to be committed to it) i think i might pull the work excuse and come along hahaha. As i probably will need to work that sunday to pay my fine now put me down, possibly a +1 or even a +2 (i kno lozz will come along and get drunk with flick hahaha, but there may be another +1 by then too)
  23. Thanks for organising a highly professional dyno day joel (and partner), and also to Shaun and the Boostworx team. Was glad i was able to bring the drift car down for a run, and also to be able to run the ute for some shits and giggles (and at least the ol 3.8l cracked the 100kw barrier). Was a hot day, was sweating like crazy, but its what we do for our cars. Some impressive figures (especially yours dangerman, thought itd be a sleeper but wasnt quite expecting that high a figure hahaha) Now to get the out Now i'll start my rant and explain what exactly happened. Because of your bollocksing mate the cops showed up. Because i was unable to leave my drift car on the trailer while the ute ran, i unfortunately had an unregistered, uninsured car parked on a public road. The cop did his lap past the front of the shop, turned around and pulled up next to my car. I did the right thing, went over and talked to him (thinking he was goin to come over at some point and ask whos car it was). Right now i'll admit that i shouldnt have had it parked there, but u wouldnt have expected the visitors. If they hadnt shown up no-one woulda been the wiser The cop explained to me about the multiple phonecalls because of one wanker flying up and down the street he had to come out. Unfortunately because i was the honest law abiding citizen who wasnt intentionally doing something wrong that i unfortunately was going to get into trouble. Initially option A was bought up. Unregistered vehicle parked on a public thoroughfare, Uninsured vehicle parked on a public thoroughfare. Penalty: Attend court, most likely lose licence for 3 months. He was also looking around at this point at the 16 or so cars parked, and if id taken the court option he was going to go to each and every car parked at the dyno day and regency defect them all. Its zero tolerance now, and they arent going soft anymore (first impound is now 7 days) However the cop wasnt quite that much of a prick, as he gave me an option B. Fine for unassigned numberplates displayed (jap plates), $100, no points. Having a vehicle on a public thoroughfare that is in breach of ADRs (many categories, he did me the generic ENGINE one). $200, no points. Plus he then took photos, recorded VIN and wrote me a defect notice (this was option B's "court appearance" so to speak). I had to load the car up by winching onto the trailer (as i wasnt allowed to drive it on the road due to the 0 time on the defect notice issued) but once on the trailer i could drive it the rest of the way on under its own power. That was the easy bit (cheers to luke, shaun (evil34) and a few of the guys there that helped winch her on and get me on the trailer. Meanwhile he did his paperwork and came across a problem. If id chosen option A id have been bollocksed for sure. I was approached and asked why my car was also parked on a road contrary to a previous defect notice (and then why the other defect label had been removed). I explained the fact that it was unregd etc, track only that i removed it due to being in line of sight. Ive kept the label at home safely. Technically not allowed to move defect sticker at all, but the cop hinted i can move it to anywhere visibile on the car, but not remove from the car. He was good about it (even tho it was crap, coulda done the "i'll turn my back for 5 mins, get that on the trailer and we'll say nothing more). But it coulda been worse (and no option B). That woulda cost me my job. Also woulda ruined my Army career (as a loss of licence involves revoking of military licence, which also means i lose all my heavy machinery tickets, which means im not competent to do my job, which results in discharge). So you think im annoyed now, be glad THAT didnt happen. There would have been bigger action for sure, believe you me. Im not an angry person, but by hell theres a line. If id taken option A, that woulda become 6 months loss of licence. 3 major infringements also would have incurred a 7 day impound of the car (plus impound fees plus MORE court fees, fines etc). So i got outta the last bit VERY lucky. However now they know my drift car, and it means i cant do the innocent thing of unloading out hte front of my house and driving into the driveway. ive gotta get 3 people together any time i want to bring it home so i can reverse into the drive and unload it. So why are we all having a go at the soarer dude? Do you REALLY need to ask that question now? If I see him around again at all, he's going to cop a piece of my mind. Im not going to punch on etc, im going to give him a bollocksing big piece of my mind. I know the cop was heading to his place straight afta boostworx, so he's more than likely copped it hard (and hopefully if karma has its way that car will be sitting in an impound yard somewhere). Do I care if he's sorry etc? No, because if he was truly sorry he wouldnt have been a bollocksING WANKER TO START WITH AND CONTINUED TO BE A WANKER AFTER BEING TOLD NOT TO! I apologise if i offend anyone (but dont care if i offend the tosser with the soarer or his mates..........and if they have an issue they can take it up with me personally). But now the long weekend that was going to be enjoyable and relaxing (dyno day yesterday, then burnout comp last nite, mates bday, sittin in a pool chillin today and goin to pt adelaide for the rally tomorrow) has turned into a slightly stressed out weekend where im $300 lighter in my rear pocket, a couple more small infringements on my otherwise clean driving record, but thankfully still able to go to work and army because i still have my licence. /End Rant
  24. lol milk crate as drivers seat ftw too
  25. oh yeah, no wonder nugz beat me on LPG lol failed to mention, that was with the auto too
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