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About XPbIM3

  • Birthday 15/02/1989

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    Russia, Yekatherinburg

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    Laurel C33
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  1. Giving a conclusion to this thread: All rb25det ECUs from stagea regardless of their part number have the same pinout. You can find exact pinout in R34 service manual. However you cannot use early <97' loom on 97+ stagea cars, or even NEO cars, beacuse the loom itself have huge differences in engine-to-chasis loom connection points. Re-wiring a wire harness to any other RWD nissan is easy but you must trace every wire with care to have everything properly connected. A blue connector on AAC body is a/c idle drop compensator (FICD) A brown connector is AAC valve to control idle by ECU. And the connector under the intake manifold is IACV air regulator, to ensure an easy cold start.
  2. doh((( two youtube videos links not correctly recognized( Those two: (Or thats a two-vide-per-post limitation)
  3. We have our roads snow covered for a 1/2 of year (..or more..) so why not to have fun? And just a several pics:
  4. Yeah, thats right, but what exactly it does? Maybe the purple one for compenstaing and indle drop on A/C or something. Here is the vid with dashboard. Notice the idle drop just after start. A minutes later it became worse, the idle gone down low, and engine dies without throttle.
  5. Did the swap, wired all using the R34 manual, everything ok! - Vid of runinng.Today wired the cold start valve under mainfold, as i can see - its just powered +12, when car is warm - it dies without throttle. There is an additional valve near the AAC. Here, the purple one: While the AAC is wired to ECU, the second valve on mainfold and "cold idle" under mainfold are not. Can anybody point me on any info how those two valves should be wired for proper operation. And what purpose the second valve on mainfold for?
  6. After tracing several crucial wires: ecu power ,MAF, coils, injectors, so on... no significant differences were figured out so far. I'll be placing engine in engine bay theese days and try to plug things on. Will post here if anything goes wrong.
  7. Thats really helpful, Thank you!
  8. Yeah I have a loom and ECU. But lets say that loom is half-cut ( I will trace the injectors, and coils and knock sensors and such stuff on intake side of engine, but MAF wires are cuted away, and there is alot of open connectors on loom, that looks like A/T connectors to me. So the ECU pinout will be usefull to sort things which are crucial to make engine run, and useless wires like A/T or A/C signals. To start with I've opened a ECU and used a test probe to probe a power and ground pins - they are where thay should be lika on a pic. So far. In worst case a have a good friend of mine with WGNC34 rb25det running in C33, if he is "lucky" enough, he possibly got the same ECU aswell, but with noncut loom.
  9. Have this famous "1 month" ECU, "23740 0V310" with my rb25det from stagea and going to put into C33 laurel.This ECU have an exclusive pinout, as I've heard. Right? Does anybody have a info on exact pinout? Google pointed me here on forum. Thank You!
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