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Everything posted by Bec

  1. BTW: weather for tomorrow is sunny Heathcote VIC - Sat 06-May Fog then sunny 6°C - 17°C Nice!!!
  2. Yeah - but my chair has somewhere to put my drink so its still coming with me
  3. Reminderer - 2 days to go.
  4. Yep - as far as I know. Or maybe someone else (non SAU) has booked a 3rd one.
  5. I reserved everything that was still available, except for the Ensuite Cabins. So what is listed above is all they have.
  6. Following on from the last Krispy Kreme thread, in which you guys all debated when/how long/ where the 1st Vic KK would be, thought you might be interested in the email I just got - The wait is finally over Melbourne! The first Hot Light in Victoria will be switched on at Westfield Fountain Gate on Thursday 22nd June, 2006. The doors will open at 6.30am on Thursday, but the heaters will be switched on at 6pm the night before with live music, movies and some classy giveaways to keep you entertained throughout the night. Keep an eye on your inbox for the latest exciting updates on what you can expect to see at Victoria’s first store opening. We're excited! Enjoy, B
  7. Go here - http://www.wrx.com.au/ OR here - http://www.vicwrx.com.au/ Good luck
  8. I confirm the above - this is an OPEN event. Anyone with any car can come to this event. Nigel can be contacted on 0410-697-349.
  9. Hahaha - i was wondering. Nah that would require too much effort. Who sleeps with you is your responsibility.
  10. Bec can update what????
  11. 2006 SAU VIC Annual General Meeting WHAT IS HAPPENING: AGM - This meeting is our annual AGM. So we will be presenting the yearly report and also electing the new committee. Its your club, so if you wish to have your say, please attend so you are able to exercise your vote. It's SAU Vic Social Meeting time. That's right, Beer, Food, Beer, Cars, Beer and laughs! These social meetings are divided into two parts, the first if your hungry is a meal from the bistro and a chance to have a chat with other members then the second is a short informal meeting. We use these meetings to give quick rundowns on past events with video's, pictures and stories etc, to address pressing matters, tell members what's happening behind the scenes and for discussion on upcoming events. It's all pretty relaxed and fun. This is a great opportunity for those of you who don't know too many members to come down and mix as new faces are always welcomed. Time - 8:00pm (Dinner from 7:00ish) Date - Tuesday 16th May 2006 Location - Bell's Hotel, 157 Moray St, South Melbourne (Cnr Moray St & Coventry St Melways Ref - 57, G1) Note - This Pub is family friendly with an area set aside for us. There is plenty of seating (tables and chairs) and meals for all. Who is welcome - Everyone! MERCHANDISE ALL Merchandise will be available for sale at this meeting. Come see me. EVENT REVIEWS - Sandown Track Day (April) - SAU vs WRX Drag Day - Dyno Day @ Racingline UPCOMING EVENT DISCUSSION - Morwell Hill Climb (May) - DECA - Girls Night Out - Midnight Cruise - Sandown Track Day (June) - Drift For Dummies Other that that - hope to see you all there.
  12. Dinner has been booked for Sat night (Look out Shepparton)!!! All the above accommodation info will be on the WRX forums tomorrow so anyone who has not booked - better get to it. Also - people with cabins - if you have spare beds you want to get rid of - post it here, Im sure someone will need one. Cheers all. PS. Check 1st post for what has been booked and what is still available.
  13. Ahhhh - I got the Simpsons Trivia Game (to be honest it was a great idea, but the game is kind ghey). Oh yeah and Troy and Brisby - if you 2 dress up as girls (wigs and dresses are a must) and actually get let in - for sure you can join us.
  14. Do they really do this - we should organise another night out if its true!!!
  15. Great Kat - Chance is a friend of mine. Will be great if they come down as well.
  16. Hi Ladies, After many requests, I have finally organised something I hope most of you will be happy with. SAU Vic's 1st Girls Night Out When: Wed 7 June Time: 6pm - 9pm (we can carry on if we decide) Where: BARCODE @ Crown Casino Please see attached for further details. Please feel free to bring your friends/ sister/ cousin/ mum/ netball team/ whoever!!! This night will be a great social night to get all the SAU girls together for a little bonding without the boys and car talk. Hope to see you all there. Cheers BEC PS. All you boys out there reading this - please print off the attached PDF and pass onto your lady. Also attached a bad quality scanned version as a couple of you couldnt open the 1st one. GirlsNightOut_Flyer_A5_webversion_copy.pdf GirlsNightOut_ScannedVersion.PDF
  17. At this stage, there are approx 50 cars listed as racing. Pretty much 50% from SAU and 50% from WRX Club. There are also plenty of people going up to spectate. Should be a great day.
  18. Do you guys know that Shepparton recently got voted 'Happiest Rural Victorian Town' LOL - useless info I know, but info nonetheless
  19. : no idea - just thought it looked funny.
  20. Ive never been to Heathcote before, but just in case, I will be taking a chair..............and a jacket and a beanie and an umbrella
  21. REMINDER - Event on this Saturday. Anyone is welcome to come and spectate ($10 entry). Would be great to see lots of people up there checking out the club. So if you have nothing to do, get a group of friends, drive up, and watch SAU kick some WRX Club a$$!!!!
  23. Alan - coSSie updated. Paul - I think Al needs a bed for the weekend. Im sure he'll read this and let you know.
  24. OK guys and girls - my first post has been updated with what has been booked and what is still available. If you have not booked accommodation - I would get in soon or you might be out of luck. Later this week, this information will be available to the WRX Club, and I'm guessing once they find out, the accommodation will be snapped up ASAP. Cheers Bec
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