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Everything posted by Bec

  1. Hahahah - put your shirt on. The chick up the front feels sick
  2. Bec

    Dyno Tune Asapish

    Read this - http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...showtopic=13305
  3. Bec

    'tis A Sad Day

    Your umbrella is also with your chair Sad day Simon - hope to see you around soon.
  4. Ive just decided I like my job even less right now
  5. LOL Congrats J - surely you need an assisstant???
  6. Sydney - you have PM
  7. Hahaha - are you the guy from the back of the bus who lost his friend???
  8. At this stage, I've been advised entries/supp regs will be available soon - so as far as I know, yes its going ahead. You need to note that with ANY event, there is always a possibility of cancellation.
  9. Bris - http://www.msca.net.au/entry.htm
  10. Same - ive had about 6 lemonade icy poles in the past few hours and starting to feel OK. I feel work will be painful tomorrow Back to bed now.
  11. Bec

    Gong Hei Fat Choi

    @ Pete Happy New Year Gameshow! Hope you had a good weekend
  12. Besides the heat, I had an ace time. Thanks to everyone for making it a great day. Cheers Jarrod for the pool after - was greatly needed and appreciated. Also thanks to Pete and Gem for having us back to their place into the early hours of this morning. Owww Adzie - I hope it turns up somewhere
  13. I 2nd Pete for Pres.
  14. +1 - I learnt from last year
  15. I hope you have an awesome day and we will celebrate all weekend long!!! Another year down and we havent grown up at all HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAV!!!
  16. Bec

    Who Wants A Trophy?

    HAHAHA - pretty nifty huh???
  17. Not sure yet Ant - will post them up as soon as I have them though. I expect them to be available around the start of March - but we will have to wait and see
  18. 2007 SAU VIC Annual General Meeting WHAT IS HAPPENING: AGM - This meeting is our annual AGM. So we will be presenting the yearly report and also electing the new committee. Its your club, so if you wish to have your say, please attend so you are able to exercise your vote. Please note - only financial members of the club will be permitted to vote. It's SAU Vic Social Meeting time. That's right, Beer, Food, Beer, Cars, Beer and laughs! These social meetings are divided into two parts, the first if your hungry is a meal from the bistro and a chance to have a chat with other members then the second is a short informal meeting. We use these meetings to give quick rundowns on past events with video's, pictures and stories etc, to address pressing matters, tell members what's happening behind the scenes and for discussion on upcoming events. It's all pretty relaxed and fun. This is a great opportunity for those of you who don't know too many members to come down and mix as new faces are always welcomed. Time - 8:00pm (Dinner from 7:00ish) Date - Tuesday 20 February 2007 Location - Bell's Hotel, 157 Moray St, South Melbourne (Cnr Moray St & Coventry St Melways Ref - 57, G1) - see attached map Note - This Pub is family friendly with an area set aside for us. There is plenty of seating (tables and chairs) and meals for all. Who is welcome - Everyone! MERCHANDISE - ALL Merchandise will be available for sale at this meeting. Come see me. EVENT REVIEWS - UPCOMING EVENT DISCUSSION - WHAT ELSE IS HAPPENING: - TBA Hope to see you all there.
  19. Do you reckon we can get away with cooler bags on the bus Poite and just leave them there?? If you havent noticed, its meant to be HOT HOT HOT - so I was thinking bottles of frozen water FTW!
  20. Hehehe - nice one Ryan!!!
  21. Bec

    Deca Review

    Ahhhhhhhh - well at least I know im not the only one who missed it then
  22. Bec

    Deca Review

    How did I miss this????
  23. Info re next WRX Club round at Phillip Island - http://www.wrx.com.au/forum/viewtopic.php?...asc&start=0 Feel free to leave any comments in the above thread for the WRX Club MS Committee.
  24. Bec

    Deca Review

    Ace weekend!!! Thanks to everyone who helped us run another hugely successful event. It is greatly appreciated. Bring on May
  25. I have no idea what phones are good or bad Saff - as far as Im concerned phones are for making/receiving calls. As for plans - I HIGHLY recommend going on a capped plan. I pay $50/month ad can use up to $220 worth of calls/SMS. Call rates are normal, so you dont get stung by that. I got my plan through B (which uses Optus for coverage).
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