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Everything posted by Bec

  1. OK - after selling a couple more jackets over the weekend I have done a stocktake and the below is what I have left: MEDIUM - 3 LARGE - 1 XX LARGE - 1 Prices are $120 (members) or $160 (non members). I also have one XL jacket only (ie no vest) which if someone wants they can have for $80 (members) and $100 (non members). Some of the above jackets have been reserved by the following Daz Skybee gdogzgtr (if you guys are still interested, PM me ASAP). But - jackets are now on a 'first to pay, gets it' system. So.........anyone interested, post here or PM me
  2. Bump / reminder
  3. Yeah I found out last night that it has been postponed until Feb 18th.
  4. Yep - some of the above events are members only, which means you wont be able to view the threads. Updated 21/01
  5. OUCH! - sorry to hear Matt. Glad you are OK and hope you get everything sorted out OK. Silly Melbourne weather - beers at Petes was a much drier alternative for us in the end.
  6. Looks like someone is trying to earn some brownie points for when Gemma comes home tomorrow
  7. Yeah see you there - by the way, I will have your trophy from the Show N Shine for you to grab
  8. Yes Simon - they will be fine
  9. Bec

    Teen Loses Skyline

    Do we need 2 threads about this? See here - http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...howtopic=152447 Closed.
  10. PMSL - youd think he would of bought a can of spray paint to make it a little less noticable I do love the door locks holding it down at the top though - classic
  11. I would of come with ya Joel, but I'll be relaxing on a beach that weekend.
  12. More info would be good if we are to consider a display - on behalf of the SAU Vic Committee, you have PM.
  13. Hey Guys/Gals, Unfortunately the cabins are fully booked again so we are staying at the Trusty Tudor and neighbours. Tudor Motor Inn - 5821-8411 (I've been dealing with Gary) 64 - 66 Wyndham Street, Shepparton (left hand side heading out of Shepp towards DECA) - Twins - 1 queen $88.00 OR 1 queen & 1 single - $88.00 (for 2 people) - Family - 1 dbl & 1 queen - $110 plus $16.50/night for each addiitonal person in the room. There is offstreet parking. Room layout attached and you do not need to pay a deposit when booking. OR: Courtyard Motel - 5831-2355 (across the road from the Tudor Inn) Standard twins or single - $97.90 Deluxe twin or singles from $108.90 (spa included in rooms) Standard triples - $108.90 Best Western Windermere Hotel - 5821-3088 (across the road from the Tudor Inn) Singles - $110 / night Doubles / Twin - $125 /night Triple - $135 / night (1 queen, 2 singles) - quad = $145 PS. If youre looking for a friend to share a room with, post your interest here - im sure there will be others in the same boat. PPS. We are booked into Taco Baz's at 7.30pm for dinner on Sat 10th. Tudor_RoomLayout.doc
  14. Bec

    My Poor Baby

    So..... are you still hooked on the idea of sleeping in her tonight???
  15. First one for 2007!!! Its late notice I know, but I just received the supp regs and entry form, which are attached if anyone is interested. Motorkhana070121.pdf
  16. - Dezz your MS Paint skills astound me
  17. Ahhhh Dezz - who said you only ever post pointless info I gotta say I agree with you 100%
  18. Yes - yes we can. See you at Calder - you bring cash, I'll bring jacket Its true - give me your F1 forms and photos. O'rly See you guys at the meeting tonight. I'll be there from 6ish onwards.
  19. Have been speaking to Russell at Drag Tag re these events. Info is now up here - http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...p;#entry2826718
  20. When/What: Every Thursday/Friday night There are Motorkhana and Burnout events every Thursday and Friday night and we encourage drift cars to participate on both these nights. 2nd Thursday of each month They run a "Hot Imports Night" which gives the Import car owners a chance to get together on a monthly basis to socialise and compete in Motorkhana, Drifting and Burnouts. NB. Pay your admission and the Motorkhana is free to enter. Time: 6.00pm - 10.00pm (big crowd will mean later nights) Cost: Spectator admission is Adults $8 Kids U/16 free. Just a short note the drift and motorkhana is free on both Thursdays and Fridays after admission. The cost for Burnout competitors is $5 on Thursdays and $15 for one or $25 for two on Fridays. If you decide to compete in the burnouts and you don't have your Tyres we can help. Burnout tyres on rims are available for $15 per side rotated on and off your car or you can do it yourself for $10. Where: The Driver Proving Centre 20 Ainslie Road Campbellfield VIC Enter Ainslie Road from Northbourne Road Driver Requirements: * must have a valid drivers license * must wear a helmet * must wear long sleeves and pants * must wear covered shoes Car Requirements: Burnout cars are scrutineered and helmets are to be worn. * tyres be 1/2 decent * basic saftey check - ie. battery secured, no leaks, etc * doesn't need to be registered The area used is approximately 70m x 40m. Virtual Racing Details: Drag Tag Dyno Street Racing is held Indoors every Thursday night. You can have Drag Tag brackets fitted for a one off cost and race your own car for a nightly fee, or you can hire one of our Skyline's or Sylvia's for $10 per 2 x 1/4 mile drag races. Circuit racing is every Friday night with the hire cars available at $15 per 3 lap race. Nightly trophy's and prizes to be won. Workshops are encouraged to have the brackets fitted to their cars so they can compete in the competitions. If you have any queries or questions, please contact the crew at Drag Tag on 9305-1122 or email [email protected]
  21. Bec

    Learners Licence

    You spastic! - I hope you run up the ass of a Ferrari and have to pay it off for the next 50 years - maybe then you'll realise what a dumb idea driving without a license and insurance can be. I also sincerley hope that you dont injure or kill anyone.
  22. Hahaha - save water, shower with a friend!!!
  23. Chris - if you read the supp regs, scrutineering starts at 2pm, so you will need to be there around that time. Also, drivers breifing is at 3.45pm and if you miss this, you wont be allowed on the track.
  24. ^^^ exactly Dezz.
  25. Had the below info passed onto me by a friend at Nova. I know its late notice, but thought someone out there might be interested. When: Tues 16 Jan Where: Calder Park Raceway Time: Gates open at 6.00pm Categories: * People's Choice * Best Sound System * Best Import * Best Restored The winner of each of the above categories will be presented with $500. Dangerous Premier: Fox 8's new car show, Dangerous, will be screened from 8.00pm. Following the premier, a short trivia session will occur with a prize of $500. If you have any queries or require more information, please contact Nova on 8420 3999. dangerousAccessPassLge_070115_1_.pdf
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