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Everything posted by Bec

  1. Andrew - if your coming, do you want to do your jacket 2moz night??? Yell out if you do and I'll bring it along.
  2. Sandown was there long before those residents moved in. Its like buying land next to an airport and then complaining about the noise.
  3. PMSL - Shan is the black sheep of the family in his 32 Its fine to get a AASA licesnse on the day - but it will make it 10 times easier in the morning if you have already filled in the form and if you bring the correct $$ with you.
  4. Hahaha - thirds
  5. Pete - will give you $$$ on Tuesday night.
  6. Drivers 25-29 years excluded from Maserati, Ferrari, Lamborghini. Pft - whats the point
  7. Oh yeah and me and Scotsman saw you playing bball on a Tuesday night just before Xmas. When the games start up again, make sure you keep an eye out for us, as we are there every Tuesday night.
  8. Americans are stupid - you only have to watch an episode of Judge Judy or Americas Most Wanted to see that.
  9. Yup. I have 2 buckets in 2 corners of my shower - when full, these water my tomato plants. When doing the dishes, I collect the water while im waiting for the hot stuff in a jug and that waters the roses. I dont leave the tap running while I brush my teeth. If you dont have one, install a toilet with a dual flush system - and always use the 1/2 flush (unless you need to use the big flush). Also have a connector thingy and a long hose, so that when the washing machine drains it goes out onto the garden, instead of down the drain. Quick showers. Wash with a full load - be it clothes, dishes, etc - dont waste water on just 1/2 a load.
  10. Spots Administration Officer @ Melbourne Sports & Aquatic Centre
  11. Cheers Dezz - oh well - just thought maybe someone would of wanted them. Ouch Kam - the secret is.......move to Melbourne! PS. 40 degs would suck
  12. Its not hot. The cool change has arrived
  13. Anyone???
  14. I have tickets that im not using - does anyone want them??? Pick up from Albert Park Runs from like 11am - 5/6 ish tonight I hear ppl like Fedderer and Saffon will be playing.
  15. Depends entirely on the car, the damage, and if your able to do all or most of the work yourself. Damaged cars often are not fixed for a reason. Usually they are good for parts and thats it.
  16. Work the only positive is I have air con
  17. Pics and location???
  18. Entry List is now available. Please check that your entry has been received. http://www.wrx.com.au/forum/viewtopic.php?t=37800
  19. OUCH - someone had a whoopsie
  20. Ace - hope you get some people to fill the spots
  21. 3 points sounds a little harsh though EDIT: but after checking VicRoads it does seem to be true http://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/Home/Licens...intOffences.htm
  22. Excellent - to any cop who reads this, they now know your car and where you'll be.
  23. OK - well the title says 14 Sept and the 1st post says 14 Dec. Thread owner might want to clarify date if he wants interest.
  24. Ban stick operator is not an official position. Sorry Jon
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