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LiQuid IcE

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Everything posted by LiQuid IcE

  1. hahaha i was like "WTF" reading this thread as well.... If they so popular why haven't I heard of them? I must be living in a hole.
  2. I have Continentals but they're past their useby now. I guess that's my problem then.
  3. pm sent location is Endeavour Hills area
  4. If I floor it holding the brake and handbrake on my car i get sh*tloads of wheelspin so wouldn't launching at what you are now just ive you too much?
  5. you've most likely grounded your deck to the parkers instead of a ground. ground the headunit to bare metal if you cant find the ground wire. Then check your parkers fuse, its blown.
  6. Here are the pics. The scratches you see on the kicker amp was caused by me while installing it.
  7. I dunno if your trying to decide between only those 2 types. But a gunmetal Grey car we imported once had the Dark Gold Buddy Club P1's. Looked tough as. so maybe a instead of the gold a bronzy/dark gold colour?
  8. Is there a way I can plug in an RGB cable if I install a car PC? when you say 3month warranty 'when installed', does that mean installed by you?
  9. i thought you were in sydney?? hallam/hampton park is melbourne. lol what's year of manufacture?
  10. oo oo how bout the engine bay pics I seen your car in the magazines too. HAWT.
  11. all out of S2 R33 I'm presuming from the rear seat trim? Interested in headlights
  12. Hi, Going to upgrade to all the same brand of audio if I'm going to enter my car in the show so selling off my sound gear. 2 x Kicker competition 12" subs in genuine kicker ported box (Black subs with yellow emblem) 1 x kicker monoblock amp selling together because thats how kicker intended it $800 Still under warranty, bought in Feb. Only used for 3 months before having to take it out. Also have a JL Audio 4 channel amp. Bought approx 3 months ago. $450 If you would like to hear the subs I can pop it back into the car for you to hear. Lots of bass Fits in the R33 boot! just. Melbourne Pickup for the sub/amp package. JL amp will post. Ill get model nubers and pics up tonight.
  13. want these? http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...=124670&hl=
  14. I did it letter by letter with a razor blade and a stool and some patience. Was worth it
  15. oo oo take my Dad! He's qualified. And being the old fashioned type he's completely against modifying cars. Thinks the factory made them to remain like that. interested?
  16. edit. oops double post
  17. try this: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...c=92828&hl= its for a stagea but same thing. got pics too.
  18. ive used vortex, its fine. prolly the same pump you used it form too since I live in your area. went back to ultimate when i filled up $85 one day and only saved $2 using a safeway voucher! thats when I realised its worth the extra $100 or so a year to just use ultimate
  19. like i said it sounded stupid but still though I'd ask and risk being flamed
  20. where are you located? I'd only take it to a place that has experience and has done heaps in the past.
  21. yeh only the passenger seat slides forward automatically. Anyone know about the GTR seats?? Recently upgraded to R32 GTR seats and the passenger seat doesnt come forward automatically. Just behaves the same was as the drivers side. Is the seat stuffed or is that normal?
  22. thats nicer! are you going leather, vinyl or normal fabric?
  23. or a drift wing. Or a fibreglass copy of the flush boot lid
  24. hehe ok thanks everyone! my cars auto by the way but I'll take your advice
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