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discoPumpkin last won the day on May 30 2013

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    pickin pumpkins like theres no potatoes

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    32 GTR
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  1. well bout time u get off that whey son and step out to the real world lol
  2. Best supplement ever? http://www.ergo-log.com/9-kg-more-lean-body-mass-with-hmb-atp-combo.html Subjects put on 7.5kg lean mass taking HMB free acid (not normal HMB) in only 12 weeks. Im not into supps really anymore, more peptides and AAS, but this really caught my eye because those results r incredible, if not more effective than Tren or Dianabol. (roids) Best thing is, its non hormonal so u don't require post cycle therapy. However its is a sponsored study by the manufacturer which is why i'm dubious, but its worth trying since its legal.
  3. can't go past a stagea, can go camping, heaps of room and power etc
  4. Id be hesitant about welding anything just backyard style OP as its gotta be structurally sound, i'd be more inclined to go down the Australian design rule route off the Bracket is this was its designed purpose; and above all you're complying with the law and the engineers.
  5. Well that doesn't make any sense because the rebuild cost for these 2 motors negates any possible fuel savings, u should be able to get atleast 350-500kms to a tank(street, not track) Any less and its the tuning that'a out of wack. If u want a fuel saving, get a Prius
  6. yre gona be spending an awful lot lof money to be even concerned about fuel economy, it doesn't sound right
  7. That's so cheap 4 a cap man, and considering I go through none atleast a cap a lifetime it good to know there keepin these prices down
  8. i'm not rasicst, how can I be when i'm Caucasian, making me half asian 2 no but if u put it like that, the V8's have a longer stroke and bigger conrod/penis so they would win hands down, or should I say penis down
  9. what r u on about, they can't do u 4 telling the truth about something when u have proof, that's the craziest thing I've ever heard. It's OP who actually has the right to sue the business the way they damaged his property and didn't provide the right service he payed 4, hopefully the loose there business license from this
  10. whats with the lift kit, r u going 4 wheel driving?
  11. what the actual fok did I just read?!
  12. Your just butthurt knowing u spent 150$k on your R35 GTR + 30 grand interest clown, if u can't handle the truth about Ozzy muscle cars, then return to your country on the rusty boat u came in from! huh? the price of a new GTR is $180k, so dunno what your on about or where were finding these new members from, housos maybe
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