Just read it and have to wonder what this guys idea of a perfect car would be then?
He's whinging about the torque of the RB26, but then says a WRX can keep up with it, yet anyone who's driven a WRX would know how bad the torque is down low.... much less than a RB26
Then later on he wants leg room for back seat passengers... its a sports car.
Complains about boot space... its a sports car
Complains the trim is drab and boring...its a sports car
Complains its not full time AWD.... That was the idea.
etc etc...
got a laugh over the photos insulting the handling of the GTR as well... usually you see a photo like that of a SS or XR8 front page on magazine suggesting something along the lines of captivating handling or a 6L power plant that is too powerful for the rest of the vehicle...yet makes for great skids and powersildes