My auto R33 seems to stall sometimes when I'm at low speed or low RPM. This most often happens when turning without much (if any) throttle applied. The times it has happened were usually after I had been driving for awhile at 60km/h and over. Then when it came to a fairly slow turn (at traffic lights), the car would stall during the turn.
Is it because I need to give it more throttle during my turns? I've never driven an auto which requires more throttle to keep the RPMs up to prevent stalling so I'm not sure if this is the problem or not.
However, it works fine when I'm reversing without throttle or when I'm turning in/out of my driveway without any throttle being applied (just leaving it in D and then letting the car roll).
I've got Overdrive on and the Power and Snow switches to off.
Any ideas anybody?