I just thought I'd post this in response to the alarming increase in stolen cars this past month.
Arguably, the rise seems to be in Brisbane, but it's not something Sydney siders can take for granted.
I live in an area of Sydney with a very low rate of crime. But I still sometimes worry that when I get my car it could be the target of professional theives (who don't realise it's just an N/A). I am getting Full comprehensive insurance, but the most they'll insure the car for is 25,000$ (significantly under its purchase price).
So I was wondering what are some tips for preventing car theft. I know that alot of people say that if a professional theif wants to steal your car, he will, and I agree. I'm talking about the opportunist theif who sees it, and decides to knock it off.
So far I have a 3 point immobiliser. I'm also going to install a custom made security system (I'm going to make it so you can connect it to your computer etc.)
Other than that I don't know what else to use.
Flood lights?
GPS tracking? (seems a bit too expensive considering I'll already be paying an arm and a leg for full comp)
Anyway, if you have any ideas please share your thoughts on the issue...