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  1. Only way to know condition of piston/bore/valves is to do a leak down test regardless of cams and any other mods.
  2. Hey Stefan, which DBW actuator are you supplying with the kit please?
  3. That help you out iruvyouskyrine?
  4. https://www.chevyhardcore.com/news/rebuilding-atis-super-damper-is-super-economical/
  5. The elastomer o'rings should be replaced every 10 years if its mainly street. If you are in the states it only costs $75 to overhaul and re-certify SFI . I'm not so just bought an overhaul kit (~$35) and did it myself. Fairly basic job, cleanliness and care with orings during assembly is all that is required . Blue loctite on bolts and correct torque.
  6. Seems rather excessive for a high silicone piston.
  7. Check earths, poor igniter earth possibly.
  8. I was looking at some of their cams a while back and was wondering where they popped up from. Ended up getting some custom Camtechs out of NSW made up instead to feed the EFR. So has one partner started RSE and the other still running Tomei? You should put a Jun 2.8 kit or the famous 2.7 seeing as how they are so close, they can do your block also and set it up perfect! I'm about 5 hours drive away from you by the look of it.
  9. https://www.junauto.co.jp/products/crankshaft/index.html https://www.hirano-tire.co.jp/tomei/rb26/rb26-1-5.html http://www.nitto.com.au/products/crankshafts.html?vehicle=nissan
  10. Complete dog's bollicks
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