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Everything posted by MANWHOR3

  1. I'm not theorising. I've used about 6 sets of tyres over the last year on different width wheels. I seirously reccomend 235 as the width. As I keep saying you can fit on any size tyre. 235 is a good fit. If anyone actually knows about tyres, you'll know that wider does not mean more grip. Increasing the width of a tyre does not increase the size of the contact patch. Contact patch is determined by factors such as weight of the car and tyre pressure. Inccreasing width merely changes the shape of the contact patch. Making it wider rather than longer. This gives it more lateral traction. HOWEVER by having it wider than reccomended, the sidewalls flop, thereby decreasing predictability and decreasing the speed that you can go through a corner, thereby taking you backwards in terms of performance. Fit the right size tyre and you will love it. On an 8" rim, i'd probably fit 225/235 for general applications.
  2. I have no idea. Last time I was in Canberra, probably 3-4 years ago, I just walked into a store, asked the owner what was good and picked up a few nice bits and pieces. I wasn't asked to show ID or permit or proof of residency or anything.
  3. I am easily over 18. Proof of ACT residency is the problem. I'm just wondering whether you can still buy em, coz someone told me that they've changed the law to ban them.
  4. Hey all you canberra people. I might be coming down to canberra in a few weeks and I was wondering if it is still legal to buy fireworks in the ACT? I've heard mixed reports. Some say the rule has changed. Others say it's still legal. So what's the deal? Also, does anyone know where some good shops are?
  5. Of course different tyres will look different, but they will stick over the side of the wheels. I have a set here in my garage with 255s on it and I absolutely hate them. I'm not really using these wheels, but the moment I need to, i'll be sticking 235s straight onto them.
  6. I'd be interested in this pete
  7. I would go for the fk451. Like everyone always says, they are very very good. I agree with what was said about. I have never liked Pirellis. They are always soft which gives the illusion that they give good traction. They have poor life since they're soft, yet the traction is not that good. I've driven on the 451s in my rwd skyline and in the wet, I can hit corners at almost double the speed of my daily driver with commuter tyres. NB: the above cornering was done under controlled safe conditions.
  8. I'd like to go too (i'll be a maybe) depending on what date you choose/cost/location etc. Depends if I can get a day off work. I have a boat licence and fishing licence (money making schemes...grrrr).
  9. I've also got my boat licence, and i'd be up for a fish pending cost, location date etc.
  10. He never said anything about blocking off the main bov hole. Obviously, it would cause flutter. He was talking about blocking off the small vent hole on the bov. Take your bov off and have a look at it and you'll know what i'm talking about.
  11. I would not fit 245 on a 7" rim. Wider is not better. This fitment will just give floppy bouncy sidewalls. I would fit as follows: 6.5" - 205 7-7.5" - 205/215 8" - 225/235 8.5" - 225/235/maybe245 9" - 245/255
  12. I'll give you my 200 cents. I wouldn't touch falken ziex or any other crap tyre with a 20ft pole. You get what you pay for. I was once young and stupid and did just that. I looked at the pattern of the ziex 526 I beleive it was, and thought it looked pretty 'race spec' (reads - gives good traction). In the rain, on a rwd car, it was like driving around on ice. You should be targetting the source of the problem, not a cheap fix. Obviously your wheels are out of alignment for the tyres to be dead after 10000ks. The St115 are good tyres. Another alternative is the falken fk451. They're both very good. The tyres themselves are not that soft. With good alignment and 'moderate driving' as you said you did, I don't see why they won't last 20000-30000ks. I've got a set that has done 15000ks and it's still got quite a bit of tread left, I dare say more than 5000ks (A friend of mine used these for a bit then gave them to me. His job involves a lot of driving. The car is a 32).
  13. Thunderbolt - I called up tempe tyres regarding the nangkang tyres. The nsII ultrasports are not available in those sizes. I've tried the nsIIs on my car, and i'd have to say that they're the best value budget tyre available. They did have a variety of nangkang passenger car tyre available. I will enquire further. Cheers.
  14. I just checked the yoko website for the available sizes. They're available in the 205 65 r15, but not the r14s. One down one to go.
  15. Hahaha, a 15 year old subaru liberty or foulcan aren't exactly beasts either. Thanks for that blind elk, i'll look into it. The cars are just daily rippers so they don't have to be the best. I'm just looking for something a bit better than the tractor/rikshaw tyres that we've been offered by all the tyre places. Grrr... every tyre that i've found ok for my car doesn't come in the small sizes.
  16. Grrrrr. Guard dog comes out and barks at all who try to buy my wheels
  17. Too late mate. I spok eto rob on the phone earilier and they're mine. Rob, i'm definite mate.
  18. Gday fellars, I'm looking for some new tyres for both of my parent's cars. The sizes are 185 70 r14 and 205 65 r15. Initially, I was just going to get some falken st115 or fk451. I've used these on my car, and they were pretty good. However, I called tempe tyres, and these tyres are not available in the above sizes. I was recommended some shitty multidirectional tyres. Can someone recommend some decent tyres in the above sizes (yes I have searched, but all the tyres are not applicable because theye are not available in small sizes). The tyres don't have to be ultimate performance tyres, they just have to be decent in the rain (the tyres on there atm are absolute shitters, and I spin out a few times whenever I drive them in the rain). Cheers
  19. I'm guessing somewhere around 220 rwkw. The gt30 on the rb20 will probably be really unresponsive. Full boost at 4500+rpm?
  20. Bootlid comes off - 4 bolts on the brackets. Take it off and tip it upside down. The panel itself is fairly light. I had no troubles doing it myself without any help.
  21. Nah, I don't think so. a rebuild will be arorund 6k. a highflowed rb25 turbo is 1900$. a powerfc is 1k. a tune is 500 minimum. a fuel pump is 250. you'll also need a fpr - 150 brakes - gtst calipers, rotors etc = $500. suspensions - SK groupbuy = 1k manifolds and all inlet piping for turbo = 4-500? if you want to do it properly, budget about 15-20k. For that price, you can get a gtr.
  22. I definitely agree that the batmbl dumps are pretty good. They are however very expensive @450. like you said, 130 is stuff all for a split dump. I don't really see the fact that it's 2.5 " as being a problem up to the limits of the stock turbo.
  23. I have absolutely no doubt at all that a bolt on split dump will perform better than the stock item. If any of you have a look at the stock item, it is basically flat and perpendicular to the wastegate opening. The link posted below has pictures. This would cause the wastegate gases to merge with the exhaust gases at 90 degrees. Definitely very restrictive. If you look at the stock frontpipe, it's actually a reasonably designed pipe. Up to the limits of the stock turbo, changing the dump alone (without changing front pipe) should eliminate restrictions. Best bargain upgrade would be to just change the dump to a split item, which is cheap e.g. for sale atm: http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...topic=97734&hl= compared to the price of a full split front/dump for 450 from batmbl.
  24. 8" wide. they say on the front. They most definitely fit with a lot of room.
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