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Everything posted by MANWHOR3

  1. dude!! did you say you cut the pipe into the bottom of the airbox? that means that you're bypassing the filter all together. in that case, why not just keep the airbox there for looks, and run a large pipe from the intake piping down to the front bar?
  2. mate, your idea of "serious weight loss" is not really serious at all. it's been covered like 100 billion times before. gtr bonnet, not heavy. carbon bonnet might save 3-4 kilos. stripped interior - might save 25 kg. boot - might save 20 kg. that's hardly going to unbalance anything. Think about the difference between an average aussie (100kg) driving it, and a small japanese dude (60kg) driving it, and you have the difference in weight.
  3. As it says above, my odometre has stopped working! As much as some people would love for this to happen, believe me, it's a pain in the arse. I've got absolutely no idea at all how far i've gone since the last service, so i would like to get this fixed asap. The problem started when i installed my aftermarket nismo speedo unit. I bought the speedo second hand, with no wiring diagrams, so i just did it trial and error. I was wondering if someone could tell me what each of the speedo wires do. As in, which one is the odometre wire, and if i just connect a + to it, will this fix it? I've got a feeling that it is not a mechanical issue, and i believe I've just connected the wires up wrong. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could tell me how to fix this, as i'm sure you are all aware, these are not cheap!
  4. Gday Fellars I had a set of tien susp that came with my car (r33 gtst). they were either Nr or Kr, i can't remember and they are at my other house. They are basically a shock and spring combo which is non adjustable. Can someone who has had experience with them tell me how hard they are compared to stock, and also if they are any lower than stock? Cheers Chris
  5. thanks fellars, you're all champs. Jay, thanks for the offer. I have yet to have taken them apart yet, so I don't know how the bump stops are going. After I build up the courage to take em apart, i'll have a look. hehehe, i'll get a friend who's done it before to show me. I've seen pictures of a guy who put a spring compressor on wrong, and the susp top shot up and chopped half his finger off. No joke. Real freaky stuff. Makes you think twice about carrying a set of susp with the top facing up, just in case if the bolt snaps :Bang:
  6. don't worry about measuring how much 'smurf blood to use'. Basically, the whole lot of the gears sits in a pool of oil. Doesn't matter if you put more, but don't put less, or you won't cover it all. IT's not the same as engine oil, where you should be precise. Just put the drian plug back in. Then keep pouring into the ffiller plug until it starts to run out. For me it was 3.5 litres. Who knows, if you let it drain for 10 billion years, you may be able to put in 3.8 litres like the manual says
  7. don't worry about measuring how much 'smurf blood to use'. Basically, the whole lot of the gears sits in a pool of oil. Doesn't matter if you put more, but don't put less, or you won't cover it all. IT's not the same as engine oil, where you should be precise. Just put the drian plug back in. Then keep pouring into the ffiller plug until it starts to run out. For me it was 3.5 litres. Who knows, if you let it drain for 10 billion years, you may be able to put in 1.8 litres like the manual says
  8. Can someone tell me how important the actaul boot part is? Like i imagine it would stop dust and stuff from getting stuffed into the shock eventually destroying it. As far as i'm aware, the bump stop part is still fine. Should I go and replace it? and how much is it liekly to cost and where can i buy it from?
  9. Yeah, i was thinking that having a hks pod would be better than no filter, but basically, those little dirt particles were worrying me. like are they big enough to score pistons, cylinder etc? like i know it will definitely dirty the oil quicker. does anyone know how much those apex pods cost? as they are non washable, i guess that after about a year or so, they'd be really dirty and flow worse than a paper filter. so you'd probably have to change it every year to have any gain.
  10. Initially, i always thought that filtration and airflow were mutually exclusive. That is, better airflow = shithouse filtration. That is, until i saw the filter test, where the Apexi one was perfect filtration, with the best airflow. But the downside is you can't clean it. My question is, I've got a HKS mushroom pod. the filter tests show that they flow very well, and also, i like the sound it makes. BUT, they filter like shit apparently. Like if i wipe my finger behind the filter, there is all this black dust. How bad is this for the engine? the stock box seems to filter very well though, but no sound. I'm hoping osmeone very knowledgeable can shed some light on this such as sydneykid, or wrxhoon.
  11. NO! not 4.3 litres. the service manual says 3.8 and i'd have to say 3.5-3.8 because you can never drain it all. i'd go through 3.5 bottles of motul gear 300.
  12. I've picked up a set of stockos to use while my coilovers are being rebuilt. The tubber boot that covers the extending part of the shock is ripped. Question: 1. i've got a spring compressor. Is it easy to tak ethe spring off? tell me anything i need to watch out for. I've heard nuts can go flying and shoot ya eye out. 2. How much, and where can i buy the boot from? looks like a $2 piece. Cheers
  13. it's been covered before under tutorials. search for it.
  14. i know that the gtst also has a ceramic exhaust wheel. Wrxhoon, are you aware whether the engine will also get destroyed by the wheel coming off? I have heard mixed responses - due to different valve durations on the rb25 and rb 26. i'm tending to beleive that the dust will get sucked back in? Cheers
  15. come on, give the bloke a break. Seriously fellars, the track is great for going a bit fast, but it's sorta hard on a uni student budget.
  16. sold pending payment.
  17. r33 gtr wheels these are in moderate condition with some kerbing etc. bald tyres. $500
  18. easy. it's no biggy. hehehe, hose it for a few secs. then wash it as normal.... why would you think otherwise? Oh, actually, it's better to lick it. kidding.
  19. Gday fellars I was wondering if i bought a second hand bootlid if it is possible to change the lock to my old lock? if so, is it a diy job? or do i have to get someone to do it? if so who and how much?
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