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About the_consumernator

  • Birthday 18/10/1986

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  1. Any mods worth mentioning?
  2. I'm looking to get ether a 95 N/A supra or a 96 33 gts-t soon and can't decide. Don't want to spend any more than 25 on it though so the Skyling will proly be the G-O. What's your one worth tdawg? Have you had any troubles with it?
  3. Thanks for the link Mr_G. Sweet as site. Yeah i'm not that worryed with the back seat TOnyGTSt. Not like i'll ever be in it, so it won't be my problem ether. But I really don't want a two seater. And no I gotta have a body kit. Gotta give it a bitta personality? So it don't look like 'just another 180'. Don't get me wrong it'll be just mags, paint and the kit. I ain't one of those wannabe drift kid's that slaps like a thousand HKS, Greddy, Apex'i, Trust ect stickers down the front quarter pannles of his stock s13 and thinks he's Japan's new D1 master. lol. Their's a right time and place for that kinda driving. Also I just bought a Blitz Fatt-X turbo timer for my exa and I got it home and you guessed it jap instructions. So I was hopen if anybody could help me out with finding a way to decode them. And yes they are on the site but no they don't want to translate in any programs I have. Or if anyone has installed one and has english instructions could they please mail me? Thanks again. Later
  4. Thanks for all your help guys. I have decided that I would be better suited to the 180. That shot was gold! But this dose not mean that I will never buy a skyline. I'm gunna wait untill I can appreciate/afford it a little more. So 15 grand will get me a decent 94 180 will it? (SR20DET. Gos without saying really) How about body kits for them? Anyone know of any good brands to go for? And how's the size of the back seat? Will my mates have to eat their knee caps every time I go over bumps? I'v only bin in one, a long time ago so I can't remember. Can't be any worse than a series four RX7's right? It's not as pointless as those back seats is it? thanks laters
  5. I will definetly look into those kit's thanks. Yet to look into insurance though. (dad's gunna cover me) Im in the position where i can get relativly cheap mods for it when it comes time and if i do end up spending the 25 k it'll be on a car (R33) that will see me through my "hooning" years. So providing i stick to my morals and not drive like a dick head it should be worth it right?
  6. yeah i spose. it'g gunna take like five years to pay off ay? Damn it!
  7. Wow! Thank you guy's so much for your responce. It means alot. I have decided to up the anti a little and get a bigger loan. So all in all i'll have around 25 k to spend. (Figgerd what the hay.) I think i'll persue a 95 Gts-t R33. The same as the one pictured. What kinda condition will I find at that price?(Thank god for parents when it comes to insurence!) That's not the gts-4 model is it? And yes I do plan to mod it when I gain better driving skill's and can afford to do so. So the first mods will be for looks only. I'm thinking 18 inch, dark gold, thick six spoke mags First off. (AS SHOWN) Then a body kit of some type? Any idea's? Then move on to tint, Springs, ect. So what do these big suckers handle like (stock)? And what will I need to get 350kw when it comes time? Thank you so much again. Later
  8. First of all thank's for helpen me out. I am undecide weather or not to buy a 180sx or 33gtst for my second car and I was Hoping someone could unbiasly way up some pros and cons for me. I am leaning toward the 180 and was sorta hopeing someone could convince me otherwise. I'm looking to spend around the 15 thousand dollar mark and wondering if I could get a fairly decent skiline for that kinda money. I'm only after a close to stock one. Also why is it that the prices vairy so much from gtst to gtst? is it just because of mod's or what? thanks guys and sorry bout the grammer and spelling i need sleep badly! Laters
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